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Updated: August 16, 2024

At the beginning of these broiles the king Amar Melick had sent his chiefe secretary and three horses for me Richard Rainolds: but I denied to goe by reason of the hurley burley, though I might haue had Negros of account for pledges aboord: yet we sent the presents vnto the king; who so soone as he vnderstood the cause why I came not to him, being sory and offended thereat, commanded presently by proclamation, that no iniury should be offered vs in his dominions by his owne people, or suffered to be done by Spaniards or Portugals.

In viewing these intestine and civill broiles of ours, who doth not exclaime, that this worlds vast frame is neere unto a dissolution, and that the day of judgement is readie to fall on us? never remembering that many worse revolutions have been seene, and that whilest we are plunged in griefe, and overwhelmed in sorrow, a thousand other parts of the world besides are blessed with happinesse, and wallow in pleasures, and never thinke on us? whereas, when I behold our lives, our licence, and impunitie, I wonder to see them so milde and easie.

The difference of religion bred great broiles in this towne whiles they remained there: for the brother sought the destruction of the brother, and the neerest kinsmen rose vp one against another, insomuch that one of their company Lionel Plumtree hath seene in one day sometimes 14 slaine in a garboile.

Saxonicas toties qui fudit Marte cruento Who vanquisht Saxon troops so oft, with battels bloudie broiles, Turmas, & peperit spolijs sibi nomen opimis, And purchast to himselfe a name with warlike wealthie spoiles, Fulmineo toties Pictos qui contudit ense, Who hath with shiuering shining swoord, the Picts so oft dismaid, Imposuítque iugum Scoti ceruicibus ingens: And eke vnweldie seruile yoke on necke of Scots hath laid: Qui tumidos Gallos, Germanos quíque feroces Who Frenchmen puft with pride, and who the Germans fierce in fight Perculit, & Dacos bello confregit aperto: Discomfited, and danted Danes with maine and martiall might: Denique Mordredum è medio qui sustulit illud Who of that murdring Mordred did the vitall breath expell, Monstrum, horrendum, ingens, dirum, sæuúmque tyrannum, That monster grislie, lothsome, huge, that diresome tyrant fell, Hoc iacet extinctus monumento Arthurius alto, Heere liuelesse Arthur lies intoomd, within this statelie hearse, Militiæ clarum decus, & virtutis alumnus: Of chiualrie the bright renowme, and vertues nursling fearse: Gloria nunc cuius terram circumuolat omnem, Whose glorie great now ouer all the world dooth compasse flie, Aetherijque petit sublimia tecta Tonantis.

That fire is kindled by the young men that dyed since the beginning of the world to know whether those that come have loved the women or have been good huntsmen; and if that soule has not had any of those rare Vertues she burnes and broiles the sole of her feet by going through the fire; but quite contrary if she has had them qualityes, she passes through without burning her selfe in the least, and from that so hot place she finds grease and paint of all sorts of colour with which she daubs and makes herselfe beautifull, to come to that place so wished for.

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