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Shall I say you will excuse her this time, and send her to you? inquired Miss Briggs, who saw that, though Miss Courteney was too polite to say so, she had done wrong. 'I shall be much obliged if you will. I will speak to her about being late, replied Miss Courteney, much relieved. She did not want to contradict Miss Briggs's orders; but she did not want Vava to miss her examination.

Vava was by no means a nervous girl, nor given to starting when spoken to; but perhaps the events of the past few days, or more likely the examinations, had excited her. At all events, she started at Miss Briggs's sharp voice, and stammering slightly, said, 'I guessed it, Miss Briggs. 'That is nonsense. How could you guess such a thing? said Miss Briggs, unbelieving.

Briggs's household while the mason was carrying out the complex operations which began with the application of "a little compo." Briggs, whose adventures as told by the pencil of John Leech are not unworthy of comparison with those of Mr. It was the dead season of Paris, and everything had the air of suspended animation.

Bill laid both his powerful hands on Jeff's shoulders, backed him against the wall, and surveyed him with great gravity. "Briggs's son clar through! A little off color, but the grit all thar! Bully for you, Jeff." He wrung Jeff's hand between his own. "Bill!" said Jeff hesitatingly. "Jeff!" "You wouldn't mind my getting up on the box NOW, before all the folks get round?" "I reckon not.

He had been intimate with Thomas Harris from boyhood. It may be said that he invented the ghost, in the interest of his friend's children. He certainly mentioned it, however, some time before he had any conversation with it. Briggs's evidence may be condensed very much, as the learned Mrs. Crowe quotes it correctly in her Night Side of Nature.

McGuire had discharged some of his employés, reducing his force to its smallest possible limits, since he had fewer orders, and was trying in that way to avert the necessity of a cut in wages, and a strike or shut-down. McGuire's was essentially a union factory, as was Briggs's.

He was very kind to her and grateful for her love and watchfulness over the boy. His conscience smote him that he had borrowed Briggs's money and aided in deceiving her.

As Briggs was ploughing, in June, Harris walked by him for two hundred yards. A lad named Bailey, who came up, made no remark, nor did Harris tell him about the hallucination. In August, after dark, Harris came and laid his arms on Briggs's shoulder.

Briggs tried to live with her relations in the country, but found that attempt was vain after the better society to which she had been accustomed. Briggs's friends, small tradesmen, in a country town, quarrelled over Miss Briggs's forty pounds a year as eagerly and more openly than Miss Crawley's kinsfolk had for that lady's inheritance.

Rebecca was driving, and at once recognized the gentlewoman with agreeable manners, and being a perfectly good-humoured woman, as we have seen, and having a regard for Briggs, she pulled up the ponies at the doorsteps, gave the reins to the groom, and jumping out, had hold of both Briggs's hands, before she of the agreeable manners had recovered from the shock of seeing an old friend.