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"I aim to save you," cried Braxley; and without uttering another word, bore her from the hut; and, still grasping her with an arm of iron, sprang upon a saddled horse, the identical animal that had once sustained the weight of the unfortunate Pardon Dodge, which stood under the elm-tree, trembling with fright at the scene of horror then represented on the square.

Here having now lost his horse, arms, everything but life; having battled away also in the midnight siege some of those terrors that made Indians and border life so hateful to his imagination, and being perhaps seduced by the hope of repairing his losses, and revenging the injuries he had suffered he was easily persuaded to follow Colonel Bruce and the army of Kentuckians to the Indian territory, where Fate, through his arm, struck a blow so dreadfully yet retributively just at the head of the long-prospering villain, the unprincipled and unremorseful Braxley.

As to that 'ar' Richard Braxley, whom I call'd my old friend, you must know, it war an old custom I have of calling a man a friend who war only an acquaintance; for I am for being friendly to all men that ar' white and honest, and no Injuns.

You are a villain and murderer, and I loathe, oh! unspeakably loathe, your presence. Away from me, or " "Or," interrupted Braxley with the sneer of a naturally mean and vindictive spirit, "you will cry for assistance! From whom do you expect it?

No will appeared to pronounce her the mistress of the wealth he had himself rejected; but, in place of it, the original testament in favour of Major Forrester's own child was produced by Braxley, his confidential friend and attorney, who, by it, was appointed both executor of the estate and trustee to the individual in whose favour it was constructed.

At his heels, and mounted upon the steed so lately bestridden by Braxley, the very animal, which, notwithstanding its uncommon swimming virtues, had left its master, Pardon Dodge, at the bottom of Salt River, was could Roland believe his eyes? the identical Pardon Dodge himself, looking a hero, he was so begrimed with blood and gunpowder, and whooping and hurrahing, as he came, with as much spirit as if he had been born on the border, and accustomed all his life to fighting Indians.

Oh, villain! villain! are you not yet content?" "The prize is not yet won," replied the other, with a smile that seemed intended to express his contempt of the maiden's invectives, and his ability to forgive them: "I am indeed Richard Braxley, the friend of Edith Forrester, though she will not believe it, a rough and self-willed one, it may be, but still her true and unchangeable friend.

And the gal, too?" he exclaimed, as his eyes fell upon Edith, who, scarce knowing in her horror what she did, but instinctively seeking the protection of her kinsman, had crept up to the group now around the dying wretch. "It's all right, captain! But where's Dick? where's Dick Braxley? You han't killed him among you?" "Think not of the villain," said Roland; "I know naught of him."

But I see how it is; he left all to the young lady?" "Not an acre," said Roland. "What!" said the Kentuckian: "he left no children of his own. Who then is the heir?" "Your old friend, as you call him, Richard Braxley.

"Lord!" said the worthy Bruce, "he was the richest man in Prince-George, and he had thousands of fat acres in the Valley, the best in all Fincastle, as I know very well, for I war a Fincastle man myself; and thar war my old friend Braxley, he war a lieutenant under the major at Braddock's, and afterwards his steward, and manager, and lawyer-like, who used to come over the Ridge to see after them.