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Updated: August 19, 2024

He was remarkable for always jerking up his breeches when he gave out his orders, and his voice sounded not unlike the brattling of a tin trumpet, owing to the number of hard north-westers which he had swallowed in the course of his seafaring.

We know no tumult of the emotions of what may be called antiquarian sentiment, so engrossing and curious as that produced by the headless skeleton of "auld Gilnockie's Tower," as it is seen in the grey gloaming, with a breeze brattling through its dry ribs, and a stray owl sitting on the top, and sending his eldritch screigh through the deserted hollows.

"Whoy should yo be better than me?" "Ah! why, indeed?" cried Alizon. "Would I had the power to turn your heart to open your eyes to evil to save you, Jennet." These words were followed by another clang, louder and more brattling than the first.

R.'s sharp brattling voice might have been heard incessantly; and he was leaping about with the utmost activity, multiplying himself, after the manner of great commanders, as if his universal presence and supervision were of the last necessity.

His family consisted of a large black cat with one eye, and a parrot which he had caught and tamed and educated himself in the course of one of his voyages, and which uttered a variety of sea-phrases with the hoarse brattling tone of a veteran boatswain.

All wreck'd and reckless now; But let the trumpet's soul-inspiring sound Wake up the brattling echoes of the woods, Then watch his kindling eye his eagle glance While thoughts of glorious fields, and battles won, And visions bright of joyous, hopeful youth Sweep o'er his soul.

Richard was now obliged to dismount and lead his horse. In this way he toiled slowly up the hill. The storm continued with unabated fury: the red lightning played around him, the brattling thunder stunned him, and the pelting rain poured down upon his head. But he was no more molested. Save for the vivid flashes, it had become dark as night, but they served to guide him on his way.

The boy sprang over moat and rampart at one bound and burst open the doors of the smith's house, breaking the bar. The noise of the riven beam was like the brattling of thunder. "That is an unusual way to enter a man's house," said Culain. He and his people were at supper. "It is," said Setanta. "Things more unusual will happen this night. Give me bridles that will hold the strongest horses."

He was remarkable for always jerking up his breeches when he gave out his orders, and his voice sounded not unlike the brattling of a tin trumpet owing to the number of hard northwesters which he had swallowed in the course of his seafaring. "Such was Hendrick Hudson, of whom we have heard so much and know so little."

These are the appearances presented now; but, in the beginning of the sixteenth century, Henderland was a close retreat, surrounded by wood and water. The family castle stood in the midst of a dense wood of firs, mixed, in those parts where the soil supported the king of the forest, with large oaks. The Megget, rolling along its brattling stream, to St.

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