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Updated: August 24, 2024

I was even unattended by a dog, as my favourite spaniel had the day before been bitten by an alligator while swimming across the bayou, and I was compelled to leave him at the settlement. Of course the object of my excursion was a search after new flora, but I had become by this time very desirous of getting the rare ibis, and I was determined half to neglect my botanising for that purpose.

Seeking for someone to share in his excitement and keep it up by fresh arguments, he went to his friend Perrotin. Hippolyte Perrotin was of one of those types, formerly the pride of the higher instruction in France but seldom met with in these days a great humanist. Led by a wide and sagacious curiosity, he walked calmly through the garden of the centuries, botanising as he went.

Finding that it was a very sly little snakey, and, like Marcos Marco in captivity, full of subtle deceit, I put it into my hat, which, when firmly pressed on to my head, left no opening for the little arrowy head to insinuate itself through. After spending two or three hours botanising in the canada, I returned to the house.

My first operation after encamping and arranging my instruments, was to sink the ground thermometer; but the earth being frozen for sixteen inches, it took four men several hours' work with hammer and chisel, to penetrate so deep. There was much vegetable matter for the first eight or ten inches, and below that a fine red clay. I spent the afternoon, which was fine, in botanising.

"The things that had been strapped on my back naturally remained with me map, binoculars, compass, botanising paraphernalia, rations for two days that sort of thing. So I was not worried. I prowled about, experienced agreeable shivers by looking up at the mountain which had dumped me down into this valley, and finally, after eating, I started northeast by compass. "It was a rough scramble.

"No, I don't understand the goods department," he said. One night, or rather one morning, he told her that he was going botanising with a girls' class. He was teaching botany in a girls' school. "Oh! indeed! Why had he never mentioned it before? Big girls?" "Oh! very big ones. From sixteen to twenty." "H'm! In the morning?" "No! In the afternoon!

The doctor was away shooting and botanising; but the mate and Walter immediately hurried towards the point; while Alice, who had heard Nub's shouts, dropped her work and quickly followed them. They all looked out eagerly in the direction Dan pointed, where, in the north, just rising above the horizon, was seen the white sail of a vessel, lighted up by the rays of the setting sun.

After botanising a while upon the battle-field, I was joined by Bush, who had completed his sketch, and we all returned, tired and wet, to the village. Our appearance anywhere on shore always created a sensation among the inhabitants.

Most entirely we enjoyed ourselves, making merry over Clarence's housekeeping, employing ourselves after our wonted semi-student, semi-artist fashion in the morning; and, when our host came home from business, starting on country expeditions, taking a carriage whenever the distance exceeded Emily's powers of walking beside my chair; sketching, botanising, or investigating church architecture, our newest hobby.

I am ashamed to say that all three boys very soon tired of botanising, and were searching about the shady paths for anything or nothing, as the case might be.

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