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What would her good friends and kinsfolk Boltay and Teresa say, if she refused a fine, manly, noble-hearted youth, and, for the sake of money and splendour, accepted the hand of a dotard she did not love? But again, there were other kinsfolk whom, if she took this step, she could make happy, whom she could rescue from bitter shame, reproach, and wretchedness her mother and sisters.

Why, nothing at all, so to speak a mere chimera, which is no good to anybody while they have it, and only becomes profitable when it is parted with a woman's virtue. An hour later, the carriage stood before the door. Master Boltay did not take his seat beside Mrs.

Boltay caused to be inserted in the same newspaper in which the offensive advertisement had appeared a notification to the effect that Kárpáthy had given the amount in question to the girl's guardian from purely artistic motives of the noblest description. Alexander's seconds laid these conditions before him. He immediately sent one of them back. Did they wish to insult him?

At other times old gipsy women sneaked into the courtyard whenever they had the chance, and by way of diverting the innocent damsel, showed her in the cards that a terribly great gentleman was in love with her, and would have her, too. Master Boltay, hearing these things from day to day, became as furious as a bull when the dog-star is in the ascendant.

Well, let us leave them all making merry together, and accompany Boltay homewards also. Teresa was already awaiting him in the doorway, for the coachman had arrived first, and told her he was coming. His first care was to give her the letter. "I have brought you a letter," said he, "but its contents are Greek to me. Why, I couldn't even pronounce the lingo!"

"Why, what a good housewife we shall make of you! There's surely nothing in the world you don't know already. We must look you out a husband now." "Yes, let's have a husband by all means," laughed Fanny, roguishly clipping Master Boltay round the neck, and kissing his stubbly face with her round red lips. "Daddy Boltay is the husband for me!"

One day, when Master Boltay was at home in his factory, there rushed into the place a shabbily, not to say raggedly, attired female whom Master Boltay could not recognize as belonging to the circle of his acquaintances. But there was no need for him to puzzle his head over it, for the miserable creature herself hastened to inform him who she was. "I am the unfortunate Mrs.

Could these Philistines smell a rat, then? "What sort of an artisan is this Boltay?" he inquired of Dame Kramm. "A carpenter," was the reply. "A carpenter!" and in a moment Abellino had a new plan already in his head. "Well, God be with you, madam!" said he; and, having no further use of her, he hurried out of the building, with Alexander at his heels.

If you wish to make a present of a beggar's staff, I can recommend you to a turner who lives hard by." "Master Boltay, don't be so impatient. The staff I spoke of is only an emblem. I have a plan, I say, which you must know of. It would be better if you came and sat down by me and heard me out. Look now! I want Abellino to wait in vain for the hour of my death.

Boltay promised, and only after the magnate's departure, did he recollect that Teresa and Fanny had demanded a similar promise of secrecy, so he told Teresa of the coincidence. This circumstance confirmed Teresa's suspicions. If it was for the interest of both parties to keep the matter secret till the wedding-day, Mrs.