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A strange and contradictory spectacle! An army of criminals doing deeds which could only be expiated at the stake; an entrenched rebellion, bearding the government with pike, matchlock, javelin and barricade, and all for no more deadly purpose than to listen to the precepts of the pacific Jesus. Thus the preaching spread through the Walloon provinces to the northern Netherlands.

I want it to come off before night, an' I reckon that'll hustle it along." "I'll do anything to get the edge on that thief," replied Fisher, quickly, "but don't you reckon I'd better tote a gun, going down an' bearding such a thief in his own den? You know I allus like to shoot when I'm being shot at."

Amazed at his temerity in bearding Dorgan in his very den, I could do nothing but accompany him, though I much feared it was almost like inviting homicide.

It is not much to be wondered at, that a small politician and narrow party-man, as Lord Heytesbury was, should think it a victory to make the deputation feel his high displeasure at the manner in which agitators had been, for so long a period, bearding the Government to which he belonged.

Even if I did, I should be prepared to pay the penalty of bearding an editor in his den." Raphael resumed his pipe gratefully. "I wonder though you don't set the place on fire," Esther rattled on, "with all this mass of inflammable matter about." "It is very dry, most of it," he admitted, with a smile. "Why don't you have a real fire? It must be quite cold sitting here all day.

Unfortunately, neither Rose, nor her aunt, nor Biddy, nor Jack Tier had seen the barrel of powder, and neither could testify as to the true character of Spike's connection with the schooner. It was manifestly necessary, therefore, independently of the risks that might be run by "bearding the lion in his den," to proceed with great intelligence and caution.

But it is legitimate to suppose that, at the very moment when Pharaoh was blustering and threatening, and Moses was bearding him, giving back scorn for scorn, the latter heard with the inward ear the voice which made Pharaoh's words empty wind, and gave him the assurances and commands contained in verses 1 to 3, and that thus it was given him in that hour what he should speak; namely, the prediction that follows in verses 4 to 8.

Besides, I do not object to stay, for I intend to preach them a sermon on ungodliness and intemperance in the middle of the feast." Mark could scarcely forbear smiling at what he deemed the originality of the guide's intention, as well as the quiet decision with which he stated it. "Don't you think," he said, "that this way of bearding the lion in his den may rouse the people to anger?"

As a last resource, I had letters from Don Cassiodoro to Murillo himself, which I was to deliver in person bearding the lion in his den with my tutor to act as interpreter.

"You seem to take it rather philosophically, Campbell," de Lisle said to Hector, as he remained silent while they were bemoaning their fate. "I do not see that it is of any use taking it otherwise. At least we have had the satisfaction of bearding the Spaniards, who indeed seem to me to behave wisely in remaining in their intrenchments and waiting until they can unite all their forces against us.