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My niece sings, and the curate and I 'Arcades ambo' respond successively he on the bass-viol and I on my Stradivarius. Come, my dear Cure, let us begin 'incipe, Mopse, prior." In spite of the masterly execution of the old gentleman and of the delicate science of the cure, it was Madame de Tecle who appeared to Camors the most remarkable of the three virtuosi.

Heman stepped into the house for his bass-viol, and brought it out with an extremity of tender care; he placed it, enveloped in its green baize covering, in the bottom of the pung. Some ludicrous association between the baize and the green barege veil struck Brad so forcibly that he gave vent to a chuckle, sliding cleverly into a cough.

Of him, I shall have occasion to speak presently. One day Mr. Kordé had drunk himself into an unusual state of fuddle. When I say unusual, I mean, that as early as midnight he did not know whether he was boy or girl, and took the starry firmament for a bass-viol. He had made a little excursion with his friend the magistrate, Mr.

Even a friendly voice had become unbearable in his ears. So, Brad, stepped down, lifted out his fiddle-case, and said good-night. Heman drove into the yard, and stopped before the kitchen door. He took the reins in one hand, and held out the other to the Widder. "You be a mite careful o' your feet," he said. "That bass-viol slipped a little for'ard when we come down Lamson's Hill."

We had, of course, no music such as was possible in town; but she had taught a maid to play upon a fiddle, and herself played upon the bass-viol; and the two together would play in the Great Chamber after supper for an hour or two, when the dishes were washed.

The tall chorister sings yet; but they have now a bass-viol handled by a new schoolmaster in place of his tuning-fork; and the years have sown feeble quavers in his voice. Once more you meet at the home of Nelly the blue-eyed Madge. The sixpence is all forgotten; you cannot tell where your half of it is gone. Yet she is beautiful, just budding into the full ripeness of womanhood.

Minard's son, who has twelve thousand francs a year of his own, could very well find a wife elsewhere, instead of pushing his speculating rake in here. What fun it would be to play upon those people as one would on a bass-viol or a clarionet!" While the dishes of the second course were being removed, Minard, afraid that Phellion would precede him, said to Thuillier with a grave air:

She was forty years old, yet her hair had not one silver thread, and at that instant of happy animation, she looked strikingly like her elder sister, to whom Heman used to give lozenges when they were boy and girl together, and who died in India. Then Roxy took her place, and Heman bent over his bass-viol. The rehearsal began.

A fiddle she could tolerate only in the shape of a bass-viol; and dancing, if practised at all, must be called "calisthenics." The drama was to her an invention of the Enemy of Souls and if she ever saw a play, it must be at a museum, and not within the walls of that temple of Baal, the theatre.

My niece sings, and the curate and I 'Arcades ambo' respond successively he on the bass-viol and I on my Stradivarius. Come, my dear Cure, let us begin 'incipe, Mopse, prior." In spite of the masterly execution of the old gentleman and of the delicate science of the cure, it was Madame de Tecle who appeared to Camors the most remarkable of the three virtuosi.