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Just dairy sounds so milky and barnlike; and I don't like 'sunbeam book' real well, either. What did you call yours?" Elizabeth laughed. "Esther's was 'Happy Moments, but I was more ambitious, and called mine 'Golden Thoughts. How would 'Sunbeams, or 'Gleams of Sunshine' do for yours?" "Oh, I like that last one! That's what I'll call it, and I'll begin writing now. Shall I use pen and ink?"

Light was so plentiful, at this factory of light, that even the Hopps' barnlike home blazed with a dozen "thirty-twos." "Nothing like having a little light on the subject, Mr. Fo'ster," said Mrs. Tolley, coming out to the porch.

She flitted about the great barnlike structure like a contented child, insisted upon displaying the trim stock-room to Paul, demanded a demonstration of the switchboard, spread her pretty hands over the whirling water that showed under the glass of the water-wheels, and hung, fascinated, over the governors. "I never get used to it," said Patricia, above the steady roaring of the river.

The Latin conception of a theater is of something rather more barnlike than ours, but this theater was of a sufficiently handsome presence, and when we had been carried into it by the physical pressure exerted upon us by the crowd at the entrance we found its vastness already thronged.

Cake found herself in a queer, barnlike place, half room and half hallway, feebly illumined by a single electric bulb suspended above the door. Very composedly she looked about her. If Mr. Arthur Noyes lived in this place, he was one of her own kind and there was no need for any palpitation on her part.

It was a maze of crooked, narrow lanes and alleys shaded and sheltered by the overhanging thatch roofs of the barnlike houses. The houses were dimly lighted by wooden-shuttered windows that is, holes in the walls which served for windows. The floors were dirt, and there was very little furniture. Sheep and cattle grazing was the main industry; all the young folks tended flocks.

Even before the accustomed hour the big barnlike room, with a few prize pictures of former classes scattered about the walls, and with the old academy easels standing about like a caravan of patient camels ever loaded with new burdens but ever traveling the same ancient sands of art even before nine o'clock the barnlike room presented a scene of eager healthy animal spirits.

The floors were innocent of mats, and the rooms otherwise pitiably barnlike. Yet an air of largeness distinguished the whole. It was clearly the home of a man of standing in his community, one who lived amply the only life he knew. You felt you already knew the man from his outer envelope. And this in some sort prepared me for a little scene I was shortly to witness.

Bruce Gordon stood in the motley crowd inside the barnlike room where Fats ran a bar along one wall, and filled the rest of the space with assorted tables all worn. Gordon was sweating slightly as he stood at the roulette table, where both zero and double-zero were reserved for the house. The croupier was a little wizened man wanted on Earth.

He looked about the barnlike room for a hiding-place. Walls, floor, ceiling were bare. Near the door opening on the lake was a rustic bench, impossible as a refuge. Only in one corner, where empty boxes and a disused skiff formed a barricade, could he hope for concealment.