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Updated: July 31, 2024

O le ā ou velosia atu oe;" which in English is "O Moomoo! O Moomoo! I'm on the eve of spearing you." Then he would rise up, flourish about with his spear over the head of the patient, and leave the house. No one dared speak or smile during the ceremony. Influenza is a new disease to the natives.

Atu ai i te taata pihei te umu, ia oti taua umu ra i te pihei, haere aturaa tupua i te hiti o te umu a parau tana a haere ai i reira. Teie tana parau: E na taata e tia i te hiti ote umu nei, pirae uri e pirae tea. E tu'u atu i te nu'u Atua ia haere i te umu. Ei reira Tupua parau ai: E te pape e a haere! E te miti e a haere!

The Marquesans of the north said their race came from Hawaii, and those of the south from Vavao. Seventeen places they had stopped at in their great migration eastward, they said. Pu te metani me Vevau A anu te tai o Hawa-ii! Pu atu te metani me Hawa-ii A anu te ao e Vevau! Blow winds from Vavao And cool the sea of Hawaii! Blow back, winds from Hawaii, And cool the air of Vavao!

Fairburn proposed that we should thus close the day. The armed men were sitting moodily by the fires, when we signified our wish to our people, who were all Christians. This night's service will never be forgotten by me; it was commenced by singing the sixth native hymn, the first words of which are: Homai e Ihu he ngakau, kia rongo atu ai, Ki tau tino aroha nui, i whakakitia mai.

Before starting all assembled in the public place of the village, and one of the priests prayed as follows: Le Fe'e e! faafofoga mai ia O au o Fale le a tulai atu nei. Le Fe'e e! au mai ia ou mūmū fua Sei tau a'i le taua nei. Which may be translated as follows: O Fe'e! listen I am Fale who now stand up O Fe'e! give us your red flaming rage with which to fight this battle.

The Samoans believed in a soul or disembodied spirit, which they called the angānga. Anga means to go or come, according to the particle of direction suffixed. Anga atu means to go away; anga mai signifies to come.

As to Utu, there is some doubt whether it represents a real pronunciation or not. My own opinion is that it does, and that the underlying stem is atû, which in Babylonian has almost the same meaning as bar or barû, viz., 'to see. 'Utu' would thus again designate the sun as 'that which shines forth.

A cloud gathers on her brow, and her eyes, full of sadness, are always toward the house where the children are sleeping. The meal finished, she, with her husband, hurry to the mats on which the children slept, but the little ones had heard the noise of their feet upon the dewy leaves. "'Haere atu! Let us go! said the brother to the sister.

Roses were strewn on the glowing waste, rose and gold and purple curtained the horizon, and suddenly, without warning, abrupt as lightning, the sun beamed hot above the edge of the world. The Marquesans stirred, their bodies stretched and their lungs expanded in the throes of returning consciousness. Then one sat up and called loudly, "A titahi a atu! Another day!"

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