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"Travellin' up to Exeter?" The old man bent his head for "yes," and I saw the tears well up in his weak eyes. "There's no need vur to ax your arrand." The farmer here dropped his tone almost to a whisper. "Naw, naw. I be goin' up to berry 'en. Ees, vriends," he went on, looking around and asking, with that glance, the sympathy of all present, "to berry my zon, my clever zon, my only zon."

"Cap'n Hunken!" she announced, and went to open the door. "Most like he wants to talk business with you same as Cap'n Hocken did this morning, and I'd better make myself scarce. That's the silly way they've taken to behave, 'stead of callin' together." "Ay, you're sharp, missy," said her master. "But 'twon't be the same arrand this time, as it happens: so you're wrong for once."

It lays open the sight o' the road across the creek, and I seen your father ridin' down the hill, as plain as could be!" "Betsy," said Gilbert, "I wanted to ask you about coming down our way." "Our way. Did you? I see your horse hitched over at the store. I've an arrand, sewin'-thread and pearl buttons, and so I'll git my bonnet and you can tell me on the way."

I vow I've larfed afore now till I have fairly wet myself a cryin, to see one of these folks catch a horse: may be he has to go two or three miles of an arrand. Well, down he goes on the dyke with a bridle in one hand, and an old tin pan in another, full of oats, to catch his beast. First he goes to one flock of horses, and then to another, to see if he can find his own critter.

"Just old enough to run a arrand. It was crool. Hit me out, I can tell you. That kid was all I had. Apple o' my eye, in a manner of speakin'. When it was gone there wasn't much encouragement, was there? The Favver from the Mission came jawin' as 'ow Jesus 'ad taken 'im to 'Imself. Rot!

"I mind once a British man-o'-war took one of our Boston vessels, and ordered all hands on board, and sent a party to skuttle her; well, they skuttled the fowls and the old particular genuine rum, but they obliviated their arrand and left her. No answer was made, there bein' no livin' soul on board, and another shot fired, still no answer.

I mind once a British man-o'-war took one of our Boston vessels, and ordered all hands on board, and sent a party to skuttle her; well, they skuttled the fowls and the old particular genuine rum, but they obliviated their arrand and left her. No answer was made, there bein no livin soul on board, and another shot fired, still no answer.

Will you take it?" "Why, with pleasure, Judge," the nonchalant villager replied. "I don't look very handsome in the 'piscopal church, but I'll do a' arrand." As the Judge wrote the note with his gold pencil on a leaf of his memorandum book, he said: "James, did you identify that man yesterday?" "Yes, I knowed him as soon as he come to the tavern.