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The augmentation of the complete fetus by additional particles of nutriment is not accomplished by distention only, but by apposition to every part both external and internal; each of which acquires by animal appetencies the new addition of the particles which it wants.

This living filament from the father is also liable to have its propensities, or appetencies, altered at the time of its production by the imagination of the male parent; the extremities of the seminal glands imitating the motions of the organs of sense; and thus the sex of the embryon is produced; which may be thus made a male or a female by affecting the imagination of the father at the time of impregnation.

Yes, there is meat here for every human mouth; only that, alas for men! the meat is that which perisheth, and not endureth unto everlasting life. Rome, thou wert sagely schemed; and if Lucifer devised thee not for the various appetencies of poor, deceivable, Catholic Man, verily it were pity, for thou art worthy of his handiwork.

Economic demand, Ruskin says, is the expression of economic desires; but the constitution of human nature is such that these desires are divisible into two distinct kinds desires for the commodities which men "need," and desires for commodities which they "wish for." The former arise from those appetites and appetencies in respect of which all are equal.

But such monstrous conformations become less difficult to comprehend, when they are considered as an effect of the imagination, as before explained, on the living filament at the time of its secretion; and that such duplicature of limbs were produced by accretion of new parts, in consequence of propensities, or animal appetencies thus acquired from the male parent.

The living filament is a part of the father, and has therefore certain propensities, or appetencies, which belong to him; which may have been gradually acquired during a million of generations, even from the infancy of the habitable earth; and which now possesses such properties, as would render, by the apposition of nutritious particles, the new fetus exactly similar to the father; as occurs in the buds and bulbs of vegetables, and in the polypus, and tænia or tape-worm.

If I might be indulged to make a simile in a philosophical work, I should say, that the animal appetencies are not only perhaps less numerous originally than the chemical affinities; but that like these latter, they change with every new combination; thus vital air and azote, when combined, produce nitrous acid; which now acquires the property of dissolving silver; so with every new additional part to the embryon, as of the throat or lungs, I suppose a new animal appetency to be produced.

Whence it happens that, in the copulation of animals of different species, the parts necessary to life are frequently completely formed; but those for the purpose of generation are defective, as requiring a nicer organization; or more exact coincidence of the particles of nutriment to the irritabilities or appetencies of the original living filament.

Behold the gay voluptuary, the smiling debauchee, secretly lament the health they have so inconsiderately damaged so prodigally thrown away: see disdain, joined to hatred, reign between those adulterous married couples, who have reciprocally violated the sacred vows they mutually pledged at the altar of Hymen; whose appetencies have rendered them the scorn of the world; the jest of their acquaintance; polluted tributaries to the surgeon.

And thirdly, there is still less reason to expect any unnatural change to happen to the child after its birth from the difference of the milk it now takes; because it has acquired a stomach, and lungs, and glands, of sufficient power to decompose and recombine the milk; and thus to prepare from it the various kinds of nutritious particles, which the appetencies of the various fibrils or nerves may require.