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As soon as they finished dancing Iwaginan made Aponitolau dance with Danay of Kabisilan. When Aponitolau stamped his feet as he was dancing all the fruit of the coconut trees fell down. After they finished Balogagayan and Gimbagonan danced. After they danced Kabin-na-ogan of Kabitaulan danced with Aponigawani. After they danced they went to eat.

He took the headaxe from his father and he went to Gawigawen and he cut off the remaining head. Not long after they used magic so that the headaxes and spears went to kill all the people in the town. So the spears and headaxes went among the people and killed all of them, and Aponitolau swam in the blood and his son stood on the blood.

Not long after Indiápan and the spirit helpers arrived where Ginalingan lived they said, "Good afternoon, you must excuse us, for we cannot stay here long, for Aponibolinayen is in a hurry to have you come to Kaldalayapan to see Aponitolau. He cut his finger and his blood will not stop running, and we do not know what to do.

Aponitolau loosened the earth with his long stick and set out the cuttings he had brought, while his wife sprinkled them with water from the bamboo tube. And when they had filled the field, they returned home, happy to think of the splendid cane they should have.

After ten days Aponitolau said, "I am going to Kadalayapan for a little while. I will return soon." "If you go to Kadalayapan I will go with you," she said. "Do not go this time and I will take you next time," he said, and he went. When he was near the gate of the town of Kadalayapan he hung his head until he reached his house. His mother asked why he hung his head.

The people came from all parts of the world, and while they played on the gongs and danced, Aponitolau called to Kanag and said: "Come down, my son; do not stay always in the tops of the trees. Come and see the pretty girls and see which one you want to marry. Get the golden cup and give them basi to drink."

Not long after all the other people from the other towns arrived where they were making Sayang and Aponitolau tried to put the belt on each person to see if it fitted and no one was the right size. As soon as Don Carlos arrived Aponitolau tried the belt on him and it was all right.

Aponibolinayen was very happy, for she knew now that her son still lived, and she told all the people to wash their hair and prepare to go to the rite. So they washed their clothes and their hair and started for the home of Dumalawi; and Aponitolau, the father of the boy, followed, but he looked like a crazy man.

Not long after Aponibolinayen took the golden beads, which look like the moon, to use as an engagement present. Not long after Aponibolinayen and Aponitolau arrived at Kabisilan. "Good morning, Aunt Danay," they said. "How are you?" said Danay. "Come up and we will eat." They went up the stairs, and Danay took the rice out of the jar and took out the meat, and they ate.

So Langa-an left a little jar and agate bead, as a sign of the engagement, for Gimbangonan. Not long after she went back home to Kadalayapan. When she arrived where Aponitolau was lying down she said, "Wes" for she was tired and Aponitolau heard her and he went and inquired what was the matter.