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Now Aponibolinayen did not realize that she had spoken aloud, but Aponitolau, her husband, lying in the spirit house outside, heard her talking and asked what it was she said. Aponitolau at once got up, and, taking a sack, went out to find some of the fruit for his wife.

Finding that they could not win him that way, Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen called the spirit servants, and commanded them to follow Kanag wherever he went, and to find a girl whom he would want to marry. So the spirit servants went after him, and wherever he went they followed.

Gimbagonan, who was the wife of Iwaginan, and Danay of Kabisilan went to Dagápan. When they arrived at the spring of Ilwisan of Dagápan they all stopped. "We will all stop here and wait until someone comes to meet us," said Aponitolau. Not long after Ilwisan and Dondonyan saw all the visitors who were at the spring, so they went to meet them.

Not long after Langa-an and the others went back home and left Aponitolau to be joined to Gimbangonan. Aponitolau was afraid to go to Gimbangonan, for she was a very big woman. She called to him all the time, but he did not go to her. It-tonagan was restless and did not stay in the house even in the night, and they could not sleep.

The father and son went together to the field, and when they reached the little house, Aponitolau, pointing to a certain spot in the ground, said: "Dig there, and you will find a jar of basi which I buried when I was a boy. It will be very good to drink now."

"Get off from my pig and I will come," said Asibowan. Late in the afternoon they saw her below the talagan. "Asibowan is here now, Aponibolinayen, come and see her," said Aponitolau. So Aponibolinayen came and she took her to their house, and Iwaginan took two skirts and he made them dance. He danced first with Asibowan before he made the others dance and his wife Gimbagonan was jealous.

Aponitolau cut a vine which he planted by the stove, and told his wife that if the leaves wilted she would know that he was dead. Then he took his spear and head-ax and started on the long journey. When Aponitolau arrived at the well of a giantess, all the betel-nut trees bowed. Then the giantess shouted and all the world trembled.

Never had Aponitolau seen such sights; and for a while he lay shaking with fear. "What shall I do?" he said to himself. "If I do not frighten these companions of the beautiful girl, they may eat me." With a great effort he jumped up and frightened the stars till they all flew up, and when the pretty girl came looking for her dress she found Aponitolau sitting on it.

Not long after Aponitolau went to take Tabyayen from above and Gaygayóma was very glad to see him. When they were talking he said, "Now I am going to take Tabyayen down, for I want him to attend our Sayang." "Yes, you may take him, but you must bring him back when the Sayang is finished." So Aponitolau took the boy to attend the balaua in Kadalayapan.

He took the switch and used the power of the betel-nut, so that he went as quickly as a person can point to the place of many betel-nuts. In a short time, as the story goes, they arrived. "Good evening," said Aponitolau, but Aponibolinayen thought him to be an enemy. "Does the old enemy bring greetings?" asked Aponitolau. Then they went up into the house and he leaned against the corner pole.