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Will you go and arrange the pakálon?" So Langa-an went at once and got her hat which was as large as the salakasak for she saw that Aponitolau was sorrowful. When she took her hat it clucked. "Why does my hat cluck when I take it down? I think they do not like you, Aponitolau," said Langa-an. "No, you go and try."

As soon as the pakálon was finished the people all went home, and Pagbokásan and Ebang said, "Ala, now that the pakálon is over let us take Aponigawani," Langa-an answered, "If you make extra payment you can take Aponigawani now," and Dangdangáyan said to his mother, "If they want the extra payment, ask them how much."

Pagbokásan was surprised, for he did not know that he had a son, and Ebang took her son, and she carried him as if he was a baby. And Lingiwan was glad, because he had met his sister during the fight and Langa-an carried him as if a baby. When they had learned that the boys who had carried the girls home were their sons they all went back to town, and their people who had been invited were there.

Not long after Langa-an and the others went back home and left Aponitolau to be joined to Gimbangonan. Aponitolau was afraid to go to Gimbangonan, for she was a very big woman. She called to him all the time, but he did not go to her. It-tonagan was restless and did not stay in the house even in the night, and they could not sleep.

They are very different from us," said the women who were dipping water from the spring. Not long after Langa-an put on her skirt, and when she finished she said, "Are you not finished dipping water, Sinogyaman? I want you to guide me to the house of my nephew Aponibalagen, for I have forgotten the way, for I have not been here for a long time."

While they were still talking they kept on drinking the basi. When the old woman Langa-an became drunk she told them that Aponibolinayen was in Kadalayapan, and Aponibalagen was surprised and his heart jumped. "I went to hide Aponibolinayen in Lisnáyan so that no one would see her, but now someone has found her."

So Langa-an gave them the engagement present and she asked how much they must pay as the marriage price. "You must fill the balaua nine times," they answered. So Langa-an filled the balaua nine times with different kinds of valuable things. As soon as she had paid the marriage price she went back home.

The father and mother of Ligi were surprised and so they chewed betel-nut so as to find out who the lady was. The quid of Langa-an and Pagbokásan went to the quid of Ligi and thus they knew who Aponibolinayen was. Ebang and Pagatipánan were surprised that she was their daughter, and they called her Aponibolinayen, and they called Ligi Aponitolau.

"Ala, yes, you take them, take all my valuable things. If it were not for me, Aponitolau would not be alive, for you Langa-an had a miscarriage and lost him, when you went to wash your hair, so I picked him up, because I had no one to inherit my possessions. Take all my things, so that Aponitolau and his wife may own them."

"I am going to wash my hair. Give me the rice straw, which has been inherited nine times," said Aponitolau to his mother Langa-an. So Langa-an gave him some and he went to the river to wash. As soon as he arrived at the well he saw the pretty girl who was washing her hair.