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While at his post in the heavens, Aponitolau is closely associated with the big star, whose duty it is to follow him in the sky. These people enjoy unusual relations with inanimate things, and we find them conversing with spears and with jars. The headband of Ligi flies away without his knowledge and alights on the skirt of a girl who is bathing in the river.

Aponibalagen paid the same as Aponitolau did for Aponibolinayen. Not long after they returned to Kadalayapan and the next day Aponibalagen went and got Aponigawani. They danced for one month and then they took Aponigawani to Kaodanan, and all the people went home. This is all. "Mother Dinawágan go and engage me to someone, for I want to be married.

Each day Aponitolau carried cooked rice and meat to his son in the field, but Kanag could not eat and always bade his father hang it in the watch-house until he should want it Each time Aponitolau found the food of the day before still untouched, and he began to suspect that the boy was unhappy at having to guard the grain. But he said nothing of his fears to Aponibolinayen.

As soon as they both were married Tabyayen staid in his house which had been up in the air before. Kanag staid in another house which Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen had. "Look out for our children, Ligi, while I wash my hair," said Ayo. "Yes," said Ligi. As soon as Ayo reached the spring Ligi went to make a basket, in which he put the three little pigs which had little beads around their necks.

XII. Tabyayen. Son of Aponitolau and Gaygayóma. Half brother of Kanag. XIII. Kabkabaga-an. A powerful female spirit who falls in love with Aponitolau. XIV. Asibowan. The maiden of Gegenáwan, who is related to the spirit Kaboniyan. The mistress of Aponitolau.

He looked and saw that she was a very big woman and Aponitolau cried, for she was not the girl he had seen before, and he bent his head. While the old men were talking to each other Gimbangonan said to Aponitolau, "Come here, Aponitolau. Be very happy. Why do you bend your head?" Aponitolau did not listen, and he did not go.

Not long after Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen and their father arrived there. There was a woman whose name was Ginambo of Gonigonan, who went to fight Aponibolinayen of Kaodanan. When she reached the place where the spring was she said, "You people who are dipping water from the spring, whose place is this where the spring is?"

The alzados were surprised, for he jumped very high, and they all began to throw their spears at him, and they ran and tried to cut his head off. Aponitolau jumped and he secured all their spears and headaxes, and he said to them, "Am I the next now?" "Yes, because we are now unarmed." Aponitolau used magic so that when he threw his spear it would fly among them until they were all dead.

So they chewed and Kanag said to them, "You are first to tell your names." "My name is Aponitolau of Kadalayapan," said the man who looked like he was crazy. "My name is Aponibolinayen." As soon as they had told their names Kanag was the next and he said, "My name is Kanag Kabagbagowan who was carried by the big storm."

At first she would not listen to him, but he pleaded so hard that at last she consented to let him go for one moon . If he did not return at the end of that time, she said, she would send the stars to eat him. Then she called for the basket again, and they were lowered to the earth. There Aponitolau got out, but Gaygayoma and the baby returned to the sky.