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I did not want to go with her, but she threatened to feed me to the stars who were her companions. So I was afraid, and I went with her, for she is a spirit." When the day came on which Aponitolau and Gaygayóma had agreed for his return up, Aponitolau failed to go, because Aponibolinayen would not let him go.

"My name is Dumanau, who is the son of Aponibolinayen and Aponitolau of Kadalayapan." "My name is Wanwanyen-Aponibolinayen, who is the daughter of an alan in Matawatawen." When they put down their quids, they laid in good order as agates with no holes in them. "We are close relatives, and it is good for us to be married." So they married. Three years passed.

His mother answered that they had agreed on the marriage and the next day he could go and marry Gimbangonan. As soon as the next day came they prepared jars of basi, and pigs to be carried to Natpangan, and Aponitolau carried one large empty jar. So they went. As soon as they arrived Aponitolau asked where Gimbangonan was, and the people said, "Look at the big woman."

Not long after he went to get basi, and he had made her drink. When they had drunk, she said, "The other reason I came here, Nephew Aponibalagen, is that Aponitolau sent me, for he wishes to marry your sister." "I have no sister. I do not know what my mother did with her," he replied. "We have no daughter. Aponibalagen is our only child," said Ebang.

When he threw his spear it flew to all the alzados and killed all of them; so Aponitolau again used magic, and his headaxe cut off the heads of the alzados, and Aponitolau sat by the gate of the town. The little bird flew by him and said, "The good sign which I gave to you, father, was all right and you have killed all the enemies." Aponitolau said, "Yes."

The little bird flew near to him and he always gave the good sign. Aponitolau was happy for he knew that nothing would injure him. Not long after they arrived at the alzado town, and the alzados were glad when they saw Aponitolau and they said to him, "You are the only man who ever came to our town. Now you cannot return home. We inherit you," said the bravest of them.

They will be glad when they know that I am here and want to marry your daughter." So Bangan and his wife sent someone to call Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen, and to tell them that Kanag was in Kabno-angan. Before the messenger arrived in Kadalayapan Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen knew that Kanag was in Kabno-angan, for the spirit helpers went to them when Kanag went with the girl to the town.

"It is best for us to chew betel-nut for it is bad for us to talk when we do not know each other's names." Aponibolinayen did not wish to chew, but when Aponitolau urged her she chewed and they told their names. "My name is Aponitolau of Kadalayapan who is the son of Pagbokásan and Langa-an."

Then he took Takyayen back to his mother in the sky, and she was happy again. After that Takyayen was always glad when he was allowed to visit the earth, but each time when his mother's tears began to fall, he returned to her. When he was old enough, Aponitolau selected a wife for him, and after that Takyayen always lived on the earth, but Gaygayoma stayed in the sky. The Story of Dumalawi

Sinogyaman and Sinagayan did not want him to go, but Aponitolau went anyway. When he arrived at the edge of the town he stood still a long time, for he did not know the way to Gegenawan. A bird went to him and said, "Why do you stand here for a long time, Aponitolau?"