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If you knew how important it is for me... Doctor, for God's sake tell me... Am I in danger? 'What can I tell you, Aleksandra Andreyevna, pray? 'For God's sake, I beseech you! 'I can't disguise from you, I say, 'Aleksandra Andreyevna; you are certainly in danger; but God is merciful. 'I shall die, I shall die. And it seemed as though she were pleased; her face grew so bright; I was alarmed.

"I know, for instance, that you are awake now," she answered, without turning to him. "Awake? That's true. I've awakened," said Foma, thoughtfully and, throwing his arm behind his head, went on: "That's why I am asking you. What sort of man do you think I am?" "A man with a drunken headache," answered Sasha, yawning. "Aleksandra!" exclaimed Foma, beseechingly, "don't talk nonsense!

Lift up your head... Or, perhaps, you don't love me; perhaps I am wrong... In that case, forgive me. 'Aleksandra Andreyevna, what are you saying!... I love you, Aleksandra Andreyevna. She looked straight into my eyes, and opened her arms wide. 'Then take me in your arms. I tell you frankly, I don't know how it was I did not go mad that night.

Well, it was just this blind faith that the whole of Aleksandra Andreyevna's family had in me; they had forgotten to think that their daughter was in danger. I, too, on my side assure them that it's nothing, but meantime my heart sinks into my boots. To add to our troubles, the roads were in such a state that the coachman was gone for whole days together to get medicine.

I began to soothe her, to assure her... I really don't know what I did say to her. 'You will wake up the girl, I say to her; 'Aleksandra Andreyevna, I thank you ... believe me ... calm yourself. 'Enough, enough! she persisted; 'never mind all of them; let them wake, then; let them come in it does not matter; I am dying, you see... And what do you fear? why are you afraid?

I myself sometimes we thieves are sentimental people, I confess I myself sometimes admire a beautiful sunset in Aleksandra Park or by the sea-shore. And I am always certain beforehand that some one near me will say with infallible aplomb: 'Look at it.

And Aleksandra Andreyevna had grown fond of me; she would not sometimes let any one be in her room but me. She began to talk to me, to ask me questions; where I had studied, how I lived, who are my people, whom I go to see. I feel that she ought not to talk; but to forbid her to to forbid her resolutely, you know I could not.

But God Almighty did not make me a fool; I don't take black for white; I know a thing or two; I could see very clearly, for instance that Aleksandra Andreyevna that was her name did not feel love for me, but had a friendly, so to say, inclination a respect or something for me. Though she herself perhaps mistook this sentiment, anyway this was her attitude; you may form your own judgment of it.

'If I can know for certain that I must die ... then I will tell you all all! 'Aleksandra Andreyevna, I beg! 'Listen; I have not been asleep at all ... I have been looking at you a long while... For God's sake!... I believe in you; you are a good man, an honest man; I entreat you by all that is sacred in the world tell me the truth!

"I feel disgusted!" he said, entering the hut where Sasha, in a smart, pink gown, was bustling about the table, arranging wines and refreshments. "I feel disgusted, Aleksandra! If you could only do something with me, eh?" She looked at him attentively and, seating herself on the bench, shoulder to shoulder with him, said: "Since you feel disgusted it means that you want something.