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Updated: August 11, 2024

She meets some colored girls from the school at Oneida and writes home: "A strict Presbyterian school it is, but they eat, walk and associate with the white people. O, what a happy state of things is this, to see these poor, degraded sons of Afric privileged to walk by our side."

Whereas, on the contrary, he passeth from Europe and Afric unto American over the ocean, from whence he draweth and carrieth with him abundance of moist vapours, which do qualify and enfeeble greatly the sun's reverberation upon this country chiefly of Newfoundland, being so much to the northward.

We hate alike; Not Afric owns a serpent, I abhor More than thy fame and envy. La Tour, in the darkness of the night succeeding his departure from St. John's, had found it impossible to communicate with Stanhope; and, prudently consulting his own safety in view of the approaching storm, he crowded sail, hoping to reach some haven, before the elements commenced their fearful conflict.

Place its veteran champion under the frozen north, and he will celebrate sweet smiling Reform; place him under the mid-day Afric suns, and he will talk of nothing but Reform Reform so sweetly smiling and so sweetly promising for the last forty years Dulce ridentem Lalagen, Dulce loquentem!

The tears of lovers are always of great poetical account, but Donne has extended them into worlds. If the lines are not easily understood, they may be read again: On a round ball A workman, that hath copies by, can lay An Europe, Afric, and an Asia, And quickly make that, which was nothing, all.

Even so, all hills having their descents, the valleys also and low grounds must be likewise hot or temperate, as the clime doth give in Newfoundland: though I am of opinion that the sun's reflection is much cooled, and cannot be so forcible in Newfoundland, nor generally throughout America, as in Europe or Afric: by how much the sun in his diurnal course from east to west, passeth over, for the most part, dry land and sandy countries, before he arriveth at the west of Europe or Afric, whereby his motion increaseth heat, with little or no qualification by moist vapours.

For me, I desire the interview and I am a coward: I need not state it. She ceased; presently continuing: 'The other inhabitants are my sister, Agnes d'Auffray, wife of a general officer serving in Afric my sister by marriage, and my friend; the baronne d'Orbec, a relation by marriage; M. d'Orbec, her son, a guest, and a sportsman; M. Livret, an erudite.

And Alphonso Leon Barbuda, who has travelled over all the coasts of Afric, reports, that in the kingdoms of Sofala, beyond the great river of Cuama, and in the isles about it, the name of Father Francis was in high repute; and that those Moors never mentioned him, but with the addition of a wonderful man So many illustrious testimonies, and so far above suspicion, engaged the king of Portugal anew to solicit the canonization of the saint; and in that prospect there was made an ample collection of his virtues, of which I present you with this following extract.

Right gallant was that gentleman, the warlike knight of Spain, Who served the King in Oran, with sword and lances twain; But, with his heart's devotion and passion's ardent fire, He served a gentle Afric maid of high and noble sire. And she was fair as noble, and well could she requite The devotion of a lover and the courage of a knight.

A Visit to Banza Chisalla, Boma, at the head of the Congo delta, the great depot between the interior and the coast, owes its existence wholly to "the cruel trade Which spoils unhappy Afric of her sons."

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