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Although the evidence does not positively exclude any possibility of infection, it speaks distinctly against this view. A possible explanation is that the low fever is a secondary symptom. The suprarenal glands may function insufficiently as a consequence of the emotional poverty, since all emotions which have been experimentally studied seem to stimulate the production of adrenalin.

What a round of packing and buying; what a filling out of forms and a stamping of visas; what an orgy of injections and inoculations and preventive therapy! Merely getting ready for the trip made my pulse race faster and my adrenalin balance rise to the very point of paranoia; it was like being given a true blue new chance to live. At last I was ready.

We have recorded 66 clear-cut experiments on dogs, which show that after fear and rage, after anaphylaxis, after injections of indol and skatol, of leucin and creatin, of the toxins of diphtheria and colon bacilli, of streptococci and staphylococci, of foreign proteins, and of strychnin, the Cannon test for adrenalin was positive.

It would not harm the meat in the dilution obtained in the blood, and it was cheap and effective. Buffogen is obtained by the natives by taking the tropical toad, Buffo Nigra, enclosing it in a segment of bamboo, heating this over a slow fire and gathering the exuded juice of the dessicated batrachian. It is a very powerful substance, having an action similar to that of adrenalin and strychnine.

One of the latest, but by no means the only one, is that it can be done by use of the extracts of various glands administered to the mother. I do not know with what scientific authority it was stated, but I do know that some one has recently said that adrenalin, derived from the suprarenal glands, induces boys to develop cholin, from the bile of the liver, girls.

The perception by associative memory of these effects of adrenalin, the sensations arising from the organs affected, constitute the emotion of fear. Flight follows by muscle prepared for flight, for the disturbance of the inter-muscular equilibrium tenses the flexor muscles, the muscles of flight, and relaxes the extensor muscles, the muscles of attack.

This mechanism consists of the brain, which, through certain special centres, regulates all vital activity; the adrenal glands, the secretion of which adrenalin acting as a stimulant of the sympathetic system, so controls the tone of the blood vessels as to maintain efficient oxidation of the tissues; and the liver, which stores and delivers glycogen as it is required by the muscles, and in addition, deals with the by-products of metabolism.

Bearing especially on this point is the fact that if adrenalin in sufficient quantities be administered simultaneously with an acid, it will not only prevent the fall in blood-pressure usually caused by the acid, but will also prevent the histologic changes in the brain, adrenals, and liver which are usually caused by the intravenous injection of acids.

After excision of the adrenals, or after division of their nerve supply, all Cannon tests for adrenalin were negative. Histologic Study of the Adrenals. Histologic studies of the adrenals after the application of the adequate stimuli which gave positive results to the Cannon test for adrenalin are now in progress, and thus far the histologic studies corroborate the functional tests.

The Glands of Combat, the glands of emergency energy, the glands of preparedness, such are the adrenal glands when viewed from the adrenalin standpoint. A picture of its activity in the evolutionary scheme of struggle and survival is something like the following: meeting an enemy, the animal is put in danger. It must fight or flee for its life.