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May, though continually thinking he should like to take his girls to Abbotstoke, never saw the definite time for so doing; and Flora herself, though charmed with Miss Rivers, and delighted with the prospect of visiting her, only viewed it as a distant prospect.

The sky improves so in the sunset light." Norman was soon at Abbotstoke; and, as he drew his rein, Meta's bright face nodded to him from Flora's sitting-room window; and, as he passed the conservatory, the little person met him, with a summons, at once, to his sister. He found Flora on the sofa, with a table beside her, covered with notes and papers.

Coming among the spectators, who, chiefly drawn up on the carriage drive, were watching from a safe distance the gray figures in turn take aim and emit from their rifles the flash and cotton-wool-like tuft of smoke, Ethel's interest was somewhat diminished by hearing that all the other marksmen had been distanced by the head keepers of Abbotstoke and Drydale, between whom the contest really lay.

He could neither talk nor listen till he was clear out of the town, and found himself master of the animal, and even then the words were few, and chiefly spoken by Dr. May, until after going along about three miles of the turnpike road, he desired Norman to turn down a cross-country lane. "Where does this lead?" "It comes out at Abbotstoke, but I have to go to an outlying farm."

At length I got unto the gladsome hill, Where lay my hope; Where lay my heart; and, climbing still, When I had gained the brow and top, A lake of brackish waters on the ground, Was all I found. Late in the evening of the same snowy 24th of December, a little daughter awoke to life at Abbotstoke Grange, and, not long after, Mrs.

Gould, and to be at Abbotstoke Grange by twelve; then I thought of going to Fordholm, and getting Miss Cleveland to give us some luncheon there are some poor people on the way to look at; and that girl on Far-view Hill; and there's another place to call in at coming home.

"Yes, I drove him to Abbotstoke yesterday never started, except at a fool of a woman with an umbrella, and at the train and we'll take care not to meet that." "It is only to avoid the viaduct at half-past four," said Mrs. May, "and that is easily done." "So you are bound for Cocksmoor?" said the doctor.

I wonder if I could dress for once without her?" "Do you know old Crabbe?" said the doctor. "The dear old man at Abbotstoke? Oh, yes, of course." "There was a very sad case in his family. The mother was dying of a lingering illness, when the son met with a bad accident.

The order and obedience that Ethel could not gain in six months, seemed impressed in six days by Cherry; the neat work made her popular with the mothers, her firm gentleness won the hearts of the children, and the kitchen was filled not only with boys and girls from the quarry, but with some little ones from outlying cottages of Fordholm and Abbotstoke, and there was even a smart little farmer, who had been unbearable at home.

She appeared to have an original genius for making the right people give a lift in their carriages to the distressed; and, regarding the Abbotstoke britska as her own, packed in Mrs.