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Who was it used to cuddle me with so many soft words and kisses yes, kisses, my Lady! till a wealthier man came a-wooing, and then flung me aside like an old shoe?" This drenched her cheeks with crimson, "I think we had better not refer to that boy-and-girl affair. You cannot blame me for your debauched manner of living. I found before it was too late that I did not love you.

The pleasant valley of Dalton, in the Berkshire Hills, had been under the rule of Miacomo for forty years when a Mohawk dignitary of fifty scalps and fifty winters came a-wooing his daughter Wahconah.

You make light of it, dear, but I never forget it, said Jo, with her hand in his as sentimentally as if she was a girl again and her Fritz had come a-wooing. He laughed his cheery laugh, and whispered behind her fan: 'If I had not come to America for the poor lads, I never should have found my Jo.

"The beds really do look empty." "They certainly do." "And we'll find the children there?" "Of course." "And I'll not have to give them up?" "Of course not." "And we'll all be happy together somewhere?" "Yes, somewhere!" She turned quickly and reached out her arms to him hungrily. "I know now why a maid always follows the Love-Talker when he comes a-wooing." "Why, dearest?"

He writes to me a most flattering letter, in which he does me the honour to say that he has read with pleasure my poor tractates on "The Survival of Solar Myths in Kitchen Customs," and on "The Probable Patagonian Origin of 'A Frog he would a-wooing go." He is pleased to express a great desire to make my acquaintance. I wonder if he has heard of my brother?

Pauline and she, who lived in different worlds, and yet were tied to each other by circumstances they could not control, would each work out her own destiny after her own nature, since John Alloway had come a-wooing. She would go back on the Warais, and Pauline would remain at the Portage, a white woman with her white man.

He was wondering if after all there was not something to be said for the methods of the caveman when he went a-wooing. Twinges of conscience the caveman may have had when all was over, but at least he had established his right to look after the woman he loved. "They tell me . . . I am told . . . I am informed . . . No, one moment, Miss Frisby." Mrs Peagrim wrinkled her fair forehead.

"With pleasure, your excellency," said Ruth, seating herself at the harpsichord and singing "The Frog he would a-wooing go," "The Fine Old English Gentleman," and then with a pathos that brought tears to the eyes of the commander-in-chief, "True Love can ne'er forget." During the dinner, and while Ruth was singing, they could hear the deep reverberations of the cannonade.

He does not so much go a-wooing as put in his claim, as if all men of fortune had a fair title to all women of the same quality, and therefore are said to demand them in marriage.

An hard adventure is before us, the which we must bear boldly through. We ride a-wooing into a far and a strange land, and have need of rich apparel." "Now sit, dear brother," said the king's child, "and tell me plainly who the women are that ye would woo in other kings' lands." They wearied not, certes, among the women. Of kind glances and soft looks there was no stint.