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To 1861 1864 1866 1868 1870 1871 Great Britain 198,954 226,258 96,000 125,540 131,180 143,498 North America, Atlantic Ports 158,610 249,106 280,000 294,728 327,728 285,112 California 6,600 9,426 14,200 15,900 22,500 Europe 901 1,134 200 244 640 Australia 16 5,194 21,244 11,434 6,716 Singapore 2,648 1,932 3,646 1,202 2,992 China 5,531 302 882 2,294

The value to our Union of this new acquisition, with its 531,409 square miles and a coast-line longer than that upon our Atlantic and Gulf coasts together, was at first doubtful, and continued so till gold was found on the Yukon and at Cape Nome. Clearly, however, the money had not been thrown away.

With his death, the glory of the French monarchy suffered an eclipse for some years; and as that kingdom fell under an administration weak and bigoted, factious and disorderly, the Austrian greatness began anew to appear formidable to Europe. * King James's Works, p. 531. See note ZZ at the end of the volume. * Kennet, p. 684.

I want the square deal for every one"; and he added, "It is equally a violation of the policy of the square deal for a capitalist to protest against denunciation of a capitalist who is guilty of wrongdoing and for a labor leader to pro test against the denunciation of a labor leader who has been guilty of wrongdoing." * * Autobiography, 531.

From the latter year to 1847 he was in Congress, representing the District in which Henry Clay resided, of whom he was a warm personal and political friend. In 1861 he was elected a Senator in Congress from Kentucky, and was re-elected in 1867. 24, 136, 171, 199, 208, 243, 287, 296, 430, 458, 460, 484, 493, 498, 531, 533, 534, 548, 572.

In 531 they made war on the Visigoths to avenge the wrongs inflicted on Clotilde, a princess of their family who suffered indignities at the hands of the Arian king Amalaric. They crossed the Pyrenees, and brought away Clotilde. A second division of the kingdom was made in 561 among the grandsons of Clovis, and consummated in 567.

Among them is that for the more severe treatment of bankrupts, who were able in old France to evade the law of the land and even to take sanctuary. T., Pont-a-Mousson, A. P., ii. 232, Section 11. N., Lille, A. P., iii. 531, Section 54. T., Lyon, A. P., iii. 613. T., Mantes et Meulan, A. P., iii. 672, Section ix. 2. All orders ask for the suppression of begging.

He was subsequently twice elected to the Missouri Legislature. In 1856 he was a Democratic Presidential Elector, and was a delegate to the Charleston Convention of 1860. On the expulsion of Trusten Polk from the United States Senate, he was appointed to fill the vacancy. In 1863 he was elected for the full term, ending in 1869. 161, 377, 382, 386, 388, 461, 530, 531, 533, 534, 559.

However, in A.D. 531, he put himself at the disposal of Persia, proposed a joint expedition, and suggested a new plan of campaign.

It may also be interesting to the reader to know that the total sum which was given for the other objects, from the commencement of the work up to May 26, 1855, amounted to £25,239, 8s. 10¾d.; and that which came in by the sale of Bibles and tracts, and by the payments of the children in the day schools, from the commencement, amounted to £4,531, 12s. 10¾d.