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Native life in the Islands is full of such contrasts, and I found, on examining the labor contracts on several sugar-plantations, that almost without exception the working people signed their own names. According to a census taken in December, 1872, the Hawaiian Islands contained 56,897 souls, of whom 51,531 were natives and half-castes, and 5366 were foreigners.

The last Letter which we have from Casaubon to Grotius comprehends all these sentiments in few words : "I heartily pray God to preserve you ever: and as long as I live, I shall hold you in the highest esteem, so much am I taken with your piety, your probity, and your admirable learning." Ep. 883 p. 531. Ep. Grotii 610. Ep. Grotii 613. Ep. 531. Ep. 890.

There are, however, diversities in the constitution of the various organizations that may be called voluntary; conditions of membership and functions vary. +531+. Such organizations are of two sorts, one mainly political or governmental, the other mainly religious. The best examples of the first sort are found in Melanesia, Polynesia, and West Africa.

He lived, however, till May 20, 1853, when, after a most blessed testimony for the Lord, he fell asleep in Jesus in my house. I have already stated that on May 26, 1853, I had on hand toward building premises large enough for the accommodation of 700 children, the sum of £12,531, 12s. 0¼d.