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I have given authorities for these several statements in my 'Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. ii. pp. 297- 300. Dr. Jaeger, "Uber das Langenwachsthum der Knochen," 'Jenaischen Zeitschrift, B. v. This shortness of the arms is apparently due to their greater use, and is an unexpected result: but sailors chiefly use their arms in pulling, and not in supporting weights.

"The Folk-Song of Israel," The New World, ii. 35; also his article "Das Hebräische Klagelied," Zeitschrift für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, ii. 1-52. Peter's Nippur, ii. 173, and elsewhere. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, ii. 414. See above, p. 575. Job, x. 21, 22. I.e., the darkness is so dense that no light can remove it.

Later he gave up his room though not his intimate relations with the family and moved to a summer residence in Riedel's Garden, where he spent the days in music and the evenings with his friends. The year 1833, was one of the most remarkable in his life so far. Not the least important event was the establishment of the "Neue Zeitschrift für Musik." Schumann himself says of this:

Mendelssohn exchanged bâtons with him at Leipsic, notwithstanding the former only half understood this stalwart Berserker of music. Spohr called him one of the greatest artists living, though his own direct antithesis, and Schumann wrote glowingly in the "Neue Zeitschrift": "For myself, Berlioz is as clear as the blue sky above. I really think there is a new time in music coming."

Was it my fault if, between two phrases, one seemed always some allusion "The situation is intolerable," I said to myself. "It cannot last longer." It was to cease very soon. One week after the scene of the photograph the courier arrived. I had scarcely glanced at the index of the Zeitschrift, the German review of which I have already spoken, when I started with uncontrollable amazement.

The use both of horses and of chariots by royal personages may often have been intended to prevent their sacred feet from touching the ground. Satapatha Brâhmana, translated by Julius Eggeling, Part iii. Letter of Missionary Krick, in Annales de la Propagation de la Foi, xxvi. pp. 86-88. Pechuel-Loesche, "Indiscretes aus Loango," Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, x. pp. 29 sq.

Bentham, however, had been favourably noticed in the Hermes for 1822, and his merits since acknowledged by Mittermaier and Warnkönig in the Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft. A great mass of Bentham MSS. belongs to University College, London. They are contained in 148 boxes, which were examined and catalogued by Mr. T. Whittaker in 1892.

We give herewith, from the Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, a few interesting details in regard to the measuring apparatus of Messrs. Kapp and Crompton.

Scudder was able to excite one of these insects to answer him, by rubbing on a file with a quill. 'Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, vol. xi. 'Nouveau Manuel d'Anat. Right-hand figure, under side of part of a wing-nervure, much magnified, showing the teeth, st. In the three Families the sounds are differently produced. 'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft.

Dillenburg Programme, 1889; Hinneberg, Die philosophischen Grundlagen der Geschichtswissenschaft in Sybel's Historische Zeitschrift, vol. lxiii. 1889; A. Dippe, Das Geschichtsstudium mit seinen Zielen und Fragen, 1891; Georg Simmel, Die Probleme der Geschichtsphilosophie, 1892.