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Updated: August 14, 2024

They sold their products and manufactured goods in branch stores as well as at Harmony; they increased in wealth; and, what was of greater importance to them, they received some large accessions of members from Germany friends and relatives of the founders of the colony. In 1817 one hundred and thirty persons came over at one time from Wuertemberg.

But Napoleon had determined that these indemnifications should be paid for by three marriages, that of his step-son, Prince Eugene, with the daughter of the King of Bavaria; that of a relative of his wife, Mademoiselle Stephanie de Beauharnais, with the hereditary Prince of Baden; that of his brother Jerome with the daughter of the King of Wuertemberg.

The members of the higher aristocracy were compelled, under pain of being deprived of the third of their income, to spend three months in the year at court. The citizen was oppressed by a variety of fresh taxes, by the newly-created monopolies of tobacco, salt, etc., and colonial imposts, by the tenfold rise of the excise and custom-house dues, etc. Vide Zahn in the Wuertemberg Annual.

He was a friend of Melanchthon, and became imbued with Calvinistic notions, which he manifested in his publication of the works of the Reformer. On account of this he was imprisoned eleven years. A curious work, entitled A Treatise on Divination, was published by Peucer at Wuertemberg, written in Latin, in 1552. He ranks among the most learned men of Germany of the sixteenth century.

"The transaction with the Venitians," he wrote to Duke Ulric of Wuertemberg, "is greatly despised, but, as I observe from your letter, may yet turn to our advantage.

The literary heroes of Weimar took no interest in the country from which they had received so deep a tribute of admiration. Not a patriotic sentiment escaped their lips. Freedom of speech, formerly great in Wuertemberg, was strictly repressed; all social confidence was annihilated. A swarm of informers ensnared those whom the secret police were unable to entrap.

A Wuertemberg regiment instantly pushed through the fugitive French, retook the redoubt and retained possession of it. It also, on this occasion, saved the life of the king of Naples and delivered him out of the hands of the Russians, who had already taken him prisoner. Segur says in his History of the War that St.

At Kehl, Her Majesty will find a carriage and eight horses from the Elector's stables. Similar relays will be placed as far as the frontiers of Wuertemberg. Her Majesty will be escorted by the Electoral cavalry. She herself will determine the etiquette to be observed at the court of Carlsruhe during her entire stay.

The brothers Boisseree'e afterward collected a good many of the church pictures, at that period carried away from Cologne and more particularly from the Lower Rhine. The millions since paid by Wuertemberg, and which she may still have to pay, would have been spared." This disposition was fortunately far from general.

All that you heard from Madame de Serent is definitely arranged. Bring presents for the ladies and officers in waiting on you. Be pleasant, but receive all their homages; they owe you everything, and you owe them nothing, except in the way of politeness. The Electress of Wuertemberg is a daughter of the King of England; you should treat her well, and especially without affectation.

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