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He wrings taxes from the poor; he robs all travelers that journey by his gates; he spends his days in feuds and murders, and his nights in revel and debauch; he roasts the fathers of the church upon his kitchen spits, and enjoyeth the same, calling it pastime. They whisper likewise that her daughter is a prisoner as well. Nay, good jugglers, seek ye refreshment other wheres.

She was in gay spirits, and would have prolonged the conversation, wanting to hear the particulars of his suspicions, every look described, and all the wheres and hows of a circumstance which highly entertained her: but his gaiety did not meet hers. He found he could not be useful, and his feelings were too much irritated for talking.

"He hoe me hoo," remarked Verman. "Yessuh, I tole him to," said Herman, "an' he chop 'er off, an' ey ain't airy oth' one evuh grown on wheres de ole one use to grow. Nosuh!" "But what'd you tell him to do it for?" "Nothin'. I 'es' said it 'at way an' he jes' chop er off!" Both brothers looked pleased and proud. Penrod's profound interest was flatteringly visible, a tribute to their unusualness.

He ignored the incredulous arch of Kenny's eyebrows. "Where Brian is, where he will be, I don't propose to tell you, now or at any other time. His wheres and his whens are the boy's own business. His whys I think you know. He won't be back." "He will!" thundered Kenny and thumped upon the table with his fist. Whitaker patiently reassembled his supper. "I think not," he said.

Do you suppose he ever went any wheres with me, or even so much as talked to me when he came home? There was always that everlasting newspaper in his pocket, and he’d haul it out the first thing. Then I used to read the paper too sometimes, and when I’d go to talk to him about what I read, he’d never even looked at the same things.

Wilfred explained that he had just come to town. "Well, good lord, then, the pleasure I'm going to have in telling you something you don't know, and something that's full of meat! Let's go wheres we can sit down this ain't no standing news." The lank red-faced sheriff started across the street without looking to see if he were followed. He did not stop till he was in his room at the hotel.

I was content to be tould a many things. But Tom, you see, he was born with a sore bit in him somewheres, I don't rightly know wheres; and I don't think he rightly knows what's the matter with him himself." "I dare say you have a guess though, by this time, Mr. Weir," I said; "and I think I have a guess too." "Well, sir, if he'd only give in, I think he would be far happier.

If you 'll take me into your confidence and tell me what you mean to do, I will plan the hows and whens and wheres." "You see, dear people," continued Polly, "it is really the only thing that I know how to do; and I have had several months' experience, so that I 'm not entirely untrained.

He wrings taxes from the poor; he robs all travelers that journey by his gates; he spends his days in feuds and murders, and his nights in revel and debauch; he roasts the fathers of the church upon his kitchen spits, and enjoyeth the same, calling it pastime. They whisper likewise that her daughter is a prisoner as well. Nay, good jugglers, seek ye refreshment other wheres.

She was in gay spirits, and would have prolonged the conversation, wanting to hear the particulars of his suspicions, every look described, and all the wheres and hows of a circumstance which highly entertained her: but his gaiety did not meet hers. He found he could not be useful, and his feelings were too much irritated for talking.