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"Perhaps you forget that Count Ammiani is a perfect swordsman, Anna." "Weisspriess remembers it for me, perhaps; is that your idea, Lena?" "He might do so profitably. You have thrown him on two swords." "Merely to provoke the third. He is invincible. If he were not, where would his use be?" "Oh, how I loathe revenge!" cried Lena. "You cannot love!" her sister retorted.

Five years later he reappeared in Vienna with a volume of what he called 'Black Eagle Poems, and regained possession of his barony. 'So far, so good, said the major; 'but when he applied for his old commission in the army that was rather too cool. Weisspriess muttered intelligibly, 'I've heard the remark, that you can't listen to a man five minutes without getting something out of him.

At that juncture Weisspriess opened the door, and Anna's eyes met his. "You don't spare me," she murmured to Lena. Her voice trembled, and Wilfrid bent his head near her, pressing her hand, and said, "Not only I, but Countess Alessandra Ammiani exonerates you from blame. As she loves her country, you love yours. My words to Karl were an exaggeration of what I know and think.

'Good heaven! not at this pace, Weisspriess shouted. But the pace was barely accelerated, and he concealed his reasons for invoking speed. They were late in arriving at Trent, where Weisspriess cast eye on the imprisoned wretch, who declared piteously that he was the trusted and innocent servant of the Signorina Vittoria, and had been visiting all the castles of Meran in search of her.

On hearing that he was General Pierson's nephew the officer laughed cheerfully, and lifted the veil from the lamp, by which Wilfrid knew him to be Colonel Prince Radocky, a most gallant and the handsomest cavalier in the Imperial service. Radocky laughed again when he was told of Weisspriess keeping guard below. "Aha! we are three, and can fight like a pyramid."

Revolting from the thought of execution being done upon Count Ammiani, as one quickly springing out of fever dreams, all her white face went into hard little lines, like the withered snow which wears away in frost. "Yes," she said; and again, "Yes," to something Weisspriess whispered in her ear, she knew not clearly what. Weisspriess told Wilfrid that he would wait below.

At that juncture Weisspriess opened the door, and Anna's eyes met his. "You don't spare me," she murmured to Lena. Her voice trembled, and Wilfrid bent his head near her, pressing her hand, and said, "Not only I, but Countess Alessandra Ammiani exonerates you from blame. As she loves her country, you love yours. My words to Karl were an exaggeration of what I know and think.

Vittoria stood at the border of the wood, leaving the two men to their work. She knew when speech was useless. Captain Weisspriess paced behind Angelo until the latter stopped short, saying, 'Here! 'Wherever you please, Weisspriess responded. 'The ground is of more importance to you than to me. They faced mutually; one felt the point of his stilet, the other the temper of his sword.

My good Weisspriess, the fellows had got into a thick crowd all round, and had begun to knead me. Do you understand me? I felt their knuckles. 'Ah, good, good! said the captain. 'Then, you didn't draw, of course. What officer of the Imperial service would, under similar circumstances! That is my reply to the Emperor, if ever I am questioned.

For his own part, Weisspriess said that he should quit Italy at once; he had here to skewer the poor devils, one or two weekly, or to play the mightily generous; in short, to do things unsoldierly; and he was desirous of getting away from the country. General Schoneck was at Monza, and might arrange the matter for them both.