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This was speedily corrected, but its second line of attack was not easily, and never finally countered. We refer to its vesicant action. Mustard gas could produce severe blistering and skin wounds in such slight concentrations, even through clothing, that it was a tremendous casualty producer, putting men out of action for several weeks or months, with a very low rate of mortality.

The French Physiological Classification; Asphyxiating Substances; Toxic Substances; Chemicals or poison gases were either asphyxiating, toxic, lachrymatory, vesicant, or sternutatory. It is perfectly true that the asphyxiating and toxic substances, used during the war, produced a higher percentage of deaths than the other three classes, but the latter were responsible for many more casualties.

The combination of the vesicant and persistent properties of mustard gas rendered it a powerful military factor. Non-Persistent Substances. On the other hand, there are the relatively volatile substances, such as phosgene, which can be used immediately before an attack.

It is an arresting thought that even as early as 1887 Professor Baeyer, the renowned organic chemist of Munich, in his lectures to advanced students, included a reference to the military value of these compounds. Vesicant or Blistering Compounds.

It is not generally known, however, that other vesicant compounds were employed, notably some of the arsenic compounds, and the Germans were researching on substances of this nature which gave great promise of success. Mustard gas provides a striking example of the organic way in which chemical warfare is bound up with the dye industry.

Following this, a vesicant is employed and the subject is allowed a month's rest. In sub-acute cases, the entire region surrounding the pastern is blistered or the actual cautery is used. Line-firing is preferable. The subject is given a month or six weeks rest and one may be guided by the presence or absence of lameness as to whether improvement or recovery is taking place.

The margins of the wound were cleansed and the external wound enlarged to facilitate drainage. Tincture of iodin was injected; the wound was bandaged and dressed for a month in the manner heretofore described, when all discharge had stopped. A vesicant was applied; the mare was put to pasture and within sixty days from the date of the injury she was being driven on short trips. Case 6.

Some were sprinkled and some deluged with a new type of German shell chemical which, in many cases, evaded the British gas discipline, and mustard gas, unrecognised, caused many serious casualties. Even those who wore the mask were attacked by the vesicant or blistering influence of the gas.

Explosives, if their development be pressed, can only become more violent, with a wider range of action. Chemical warfare may follow the same lines, but it has the unique possibility of developing on more humane lines. The vesicant action of mustard gas produced huge casualties with relatively little permanent harm.

And the whole thing sealed up in a can and booby-trapped in case you have any ideas of going into business for yourself. "The cover sounds like it is double walled, and from your description I would say that it has one of the vesicant war gases, like mustard gas, sealed inside there in liquid form. Anyone who tries to cut their way in will quickly forget their ambitions after a dose of that.