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Updated: August 29, 2024

It was the introduction of the fourth, the vesicant class, which revealed, more than any other enemy move, the great possibilities inherent in chemical warfare. These compounds, the chief of which was mustard gas, produced vesicant, or skin burning, effects, which, although rarely mortal, were sufficient to put a man out of action for a number of months.

If no marked swelling results within forty-eight hours the entire fetlock region is thoroughly vesicated and, as soon as the skin has recovered from the effects of the vesicant, pressure bandages may be employed. In these cases, subjects may be put into service after all swelling which the injection or the vesicant has produced has subsided.

The relaxation which attends surgical anesthesia will permit of reduction of the dislocated bone and manipulations such as have just been outlined may be employed. Following reduction in the average case it is essential that the subject be given vigorous exercise for a few minutes. Reduction having been affected, the application of a vesicant over the whole patellar region is customary.

The ordinary derby bandages serve well and if their use is continued for a sufficient length of time, good results follow. There are other methods of treating these affections, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Line-firing, instead of the vesicant is made use of by some, but the object desired is the same and results obtained are similar.

The production of a deep-seated and acute inflammation with the actual cautery is preferable to any sort of counter-irritation which may be produced by vesicants. There is no occasion for any difference in the treatment of either of the first three classes of ringbone, but in the rachitic type where treatment is given, the application of a vesicant is all that is required.

After-care consists in restriction of exercise and, if necessary, confining the subject in a sling and the application of a vesicant over the scapulohumeral region. Inflammation of the Bicipital Bursa. Anatomy. This synovial bursa forms a smooth groove through which the biceps brachii glides in the anterior scapulohumeral region.

If little inflammation exists, the application of a vesicant two or three weeks after the injury has been inflicted will be helpful and serve to hasten repair. Bandages or mechanical appliances are of no practical use in the handling of these cases. Luxation of the Patella. Etiology and Occurrence.

For instance, the application of an active and depilating vesicant upon a large area on the gluteal or crural region, in a case where the practitioner "guesses" the condition to be one of "hip lameness," constitutes an exposition of gross ignorance, and at once stamps the perpetrator as a crude bungler without scientific insight whose works are no credit to his profession.

Assuming that means are found to protect satisfactorily the respiratory system, and the eyes, what other vulnerable points can the war chemical find in the human organism? Some more specific vesicant, some modification of mustard gas, might arise, limited in attack to certain portions of the human being. The Germans were already at work on these lines. "Camouflage" Chemicals.

Tincture of iodin was injected into the wound and towels dipped in hot antiseptic solutions were applied for several hours daily until the acute stage had passed. Later the mare was turned out to pasture and a vesicant was applied once or twice a month until recovery was complete which was in about six months. Case 4.

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