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There was no hearty effort for the relief of Sluys. There were suspicions that, if saved, the town would only be taken possession of by the Earl of Leicester, as an additional vantage-point for coercing the country into subjection to his arbitrary authority. Perhaps it would be transferred to Philip by Elizabeth as part of the price for peace.

Then John perceived that Kismine, like her sister, had fallen sound asleep. It was long after four when he became aware of footsteps along the path they had lately followed, and he waited in breathless silence until the persons to whom they belonged had passed the vantage-point he occupied.

Having a great pile of cedar poles, in excess of the needs of all our other projects, my present problem is to place a series of simple arches constructed on this natural idea, that shall frame the different garden vistas from the best vantage-point.

She was undoubtedly the woman in the back of Hunt's life. And he wondered about Hunt who he really was what had really driven him into this strange exile. And he wondered about Maggie what she might be doing what from this strange new vantage-point he might do for her and with her. And he wondered how his own complex situation was going to work itself out.

And having reached this vantage-point, discovering the weight of the crown dear now rather than irksome, Damaris permitted herself a closer observation of her companion than ever before. Impressions of his appearance she had received in plenty but received them in flashes, confusing from their very vividness.

Near the window was a small counter, behind which Madame L. Hernandez immediately installed herself, and from this vantage-point she proceeded to inspect us with cool deliberation, fanning herself the while with a huge palm-leaf. "You wish to buy a hat?" she said, tentatively. "That one," answered Indiman, stubbornly " that hat on the model's head." "Bah!

She had been dead for years, yet there were those in the village who, in spite of the clearer light which comes on a vantage-point from a long-past danger, half believed in the tale which they had heard from their childhood.

The Turk must have worked his way around Beirut Dagh on former occasions or how else could he ever have built and held that dismantled fort? What's to stop him from doing it again?" "It's a fifteen-mile fight ahead of him," Monty answered, "with riflemen posted at every vantage-point all the way " "Who is in charge of the riflemen?"

Always looks as if he couldn't wait a minute to hear what you are going to say next." "He's not as susceptible as he looks," Rose pronounced from her vantage-point of seniority. "He's just got a way with him that fools people. Cass says girls are always crazy about him, and that he never cares for any of them more than a week."

Ludolph had said, Dennis could hardly realize his good fortune. He felt like one lifted out of a narrow valley to a breezy hillside. He was now given a vantage-point from which it seemed that he could climb rapidly, and his heart was light as he thought of what he would be able to do for his mother and sisters.