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In his strong arms the loving belles forget full soon the cacochymic bishop or the brutified duke!" "Long live the Vagre's love!" "You are in rollicking mood " "Aye, Simon, we are about to put a bishop's house to the sack!" "You will be hanged, burned, quartered!" "No more nor less so than Aman and Aëlian, our prophets, Bagauders in their days as we are Vagres in ours.

It will be an easy thing for us to fortify ourselves in our possession and maintain our rights." Kervan followed closely the Vagre's narrative and asked him with deep interest whether his companions took the advice of Loysik. "Yes, dear uncle, almost all the Vagres accepted Loysik's offer; few only preferred to continue their life of adventure.

"How good it is to live a Vagre's life!" On the last wagon, under the special watch of Wolf's-Tooth and a few companions who brought up the rear, Cautin, bishop and Vagre's cook, accustomed to strut on his traveling mule, or to ride through the forest on his vigorous hunting steed, found the road rough, dusty and unpleasant.

He will not consent to let the fellow free." "Cautin will console himself over the Vagre's escape by seeing the bishopess roast, and the hermit-laborer hang." "But suppose the Vagre promises to commit the murder but fails in carrying out his part of the bargain?" "And the twenty gold sous that he will surely expect to receive after the murder is committed?"

So accurate was the aim of the archers that every arrow found its quiver in the flesh of a foe. "This is for you, Neroweg!" cried Ronan from the branch on which he was perched. "This is for you, the descendant of the Terrible Eagle! There goes the Vagre's arrow!" Unfortunately the arrow's head was flattened out against the iron casque of the count.

"As you see, count, your vengeance will lose nothing by the arrangement, while it will insure the success of our plans. Unless I could speedily find a fourth determined man, as the Vagre, there would always be a brother left who might lay claim to my father's kingdom. Answer, are we agreed upon the Vagre's flight?" "Yes, yes we are agreed."

It was pronounced delectable. Biting into her Vagre's roast with her white teeth the bishopess remarked: "I now no longer wonder that he who was my husband always showed himself so implacable towards his kitchen slaves, and that he had them whipped for their slightest negligence the seigneur bishop was a better cook than any of them. No wonder he was hard to please!"

And the girl took both the Vagre's hands, kissed them, and added with tremulous lips: "If those Franks should kill you! "If they should kill me, little Odille?" Saying this the Vagre turned his head towards the hermit, and pointing to him with his eyes added: "Should the Franks kill me, yonder good hermit-laborer will protect you."