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He swallowed his coffee deliberately, unsmiling, his gaze over the valley where the railroad track wormed its way into the North. "That you're to go to your friends in Paris at once," he said decisively.

Mebbe if you get time you'll take a hand in helpin' educate him." "I should be glad to!" Notwithstanding the prim response and her unsmiling lips, the young man had a discomfited presentiment that she was laughing at him, and even the farewell she flashed to him over her shoulder had a hectoring quality in it that did not altogether restore his self-esteem.

"It's all very well to push a punt across a mill-pond that way, but it's not treating the Atlantic with very much respect." "You were not particularly respectful toward the Atlantic Ocean when you started to swim across it." But again the echo of amusement in his voice found no response in her unsmiling silence. He thought to himself: "Is she a prude, or merely stupid!

In no way could the points of contact between Amherst and Justine Brent have been more vividly brought out than by their tacit exclusion from the currents of opinion about them. Amherst, seated in unsmiling endurance at the foot of the table, between Mrs.

He was one of them kind that's easy led, an' he wasn't a heap responsible; he fell in with the wrong kind of men men like Chavis. I've took a lot from Pickett." "You might have shown him in some other way that you liked him," she said with unsmiling sarcasm. "It seems to me that men who go about thinking of shooting each other must have a great deal of the brute in them."

Now he recalled the fact that her dark eyes had a look of sadness and dejection in their depths, and that her face was peculiarly white and unsmiling. Spantz was eyeing him narrowly. "You do not appear interested in our royal family," he ventured coldly. Truxton hastened to assure him that he was keenly interested.

Her face lit now with recognition. I went across to her at once, with some dull obviousness upon my lips. "And so you are back from Africa at last," she said, still unsmiling. "I saw about you in the papers.... You had a good time." "I had great good luck," I replied. "I never dreamt when we were boy and girl together that you would make a soldier." I think I said that luck made soldiers.

The ticket-seller's stamp clicked incessantly as he sold tickets to all points South and West: to New York, Philadelphia, Charleston; to New Orleans, Chicago, Omaha; to St. Paul, Duluth, St. Louis; and it would not have been hard to find in that anxious bustle, that unsmiling eagerness, an image of the whole busy affair of life.

"Boo-h!" cried Vada, her round eyes sparkling as she reached Scipio's side. "Bo-oh!" echoed Jamie a second later, chuckling and gurgling a delight he had no other means of expressing at the moment. Scipio raised his haggard face. His unsmiling eyes, so pale and unmeaning, stared stupidly at the children.

As social superiority lies mostly in thinking so hard enough so that the inner belief expresses itself in the outward attitude and manner the Masai carry it off. Their haughtiness is magnificent. Also they can look as unsmiling and bored as anybody anywhere. Consequently they are either greatly admired, or greatly hated and feared, as the case happens to be, by all the other tribes.