Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 3, 2024

Mother is away on a visit to the Pacific coast." "And your father went to his room then?" "Yes; he said he had some work to do." "His room, also, was unoccupied all the afternoon?" "Yes; it must have been." "Who is usually about the lower part of the house during the afternoon?" "No one when mother is away." "Do you know whether anything was taken from your father's room?"

In fact, the sum invested by the shareholders is to be considered in the light of a loan to the Colony its public debt to be repaid with interest as the resources of the country are developed. Without encroaching on land worked, or owned by the natives, the Company has a large area of unoccupied land which it can dispose of for the highest price obtainable.

Every face expressed astonishment as it was pushed sufficiently apart to admit the entry of a slender and graceful boy in the rich habit of a page. The boy came a little way into the room, looking cautiously about him. He acted as if at first he took the room in its dimness to be unoccupied, and he seemed to be somewhat disconcerted at discovering that it contained so many occupants.

Come in here and I will tell you all I know," and he led the way to a small reception parlor that was, just then, unoccupied. He drew two chairs up to a small sofa, so that all might sit close together. "I don't suppose any word came from the farm for us?" suggested Sam, as he was about to sit down. "If anything came in the name of Rover I'd know about it," returned the hotel manager.

But beyond this boundary, extensive plains and undulating downs, covered with nutritious herbage like the American prairies, spread out invitingly towards the distant northern horizon. The exterminating wars among the native tribes had left these grassy plains almost wholly unoccupied.

It was standing upon its larger end, and it was where this corner should have been that the place remained empty. In all likelihood the triangular shape of this space rendered it inconvenient for any package which there was among the merchandise, and hence was it unoccupied.

Well, so long as all the stations or sheep-runs continued unoccupied, and new settlers arrived, the price of sheep kept naturally very high; but every station that can command a due supply of water, is now in occupation, and consequently the demand for stock has ceased.

Even as Gattrie sat in his saddle, Silvertail was in the daily practice of munching his corn out of a small trough that stood in the yard of the inn where he usually stopped, while his rider conversed with whoever chanced to be near him the head of his cudgel resting on his ample thigh, and a glass of his favorite whiskey in his other and unoccupied hand.

The dancing having commenced, the necessary introductions having been made, and all preliminaries arranged, Angelo Bantam rejoined Mr. Pickwick, and led him into the card-room. Just at the very moment of their entrance, the Dowager Lady Snuphanuph and two other ladies of an ancient and whist-like appearance, were hovering over an unoccupied card-table; and they no sooner set eyes upon Mr.

Until recently it was an indispensable condition in the Chinese view that an artist must be "cultured" and be a member of the gentry distinguished, unoccupied, wealthy. A man who was paid for his work, for instance for a portrait for the ancestral cult, was until late time regarded as a craftsman, not as an artist.

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