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The woman nodded, and Lon fell to unharnessing the dogs, while I unlashed the sled and carried the camp outfit into the cabin. The cabin was a large, one-room affair, and the woman was evidently alone in it. She pointed to the stove, where water was already boiling, and Lon set about the preparation of supper, while I opened the fish-bag and fed the dogs.

I detest unharnessing a muddy horse in the rain! I don't like chickens in the barn. And somehow Harriet uses an inordinate amount of kindling wood. But once in the habit, unpleasant things have a way of fading quickly and quietly from the memory. And you see after living so many years in the city the worst experience on the farm is a sort of joy!

"Did he talk?" asked Albert. "Talk!" said Cherry ironically. "To me? Likely, ain't it? He talked all right. Only he never let on." Albert had picked up his towel, and was scrubbing away at his chin. "Plucky little feller," he said. "You'd never know." "He takes his gruel all right," admitted the other surlily, unharnessing.

I found all quiet in the lane or glade, and, unharnessing my little horse, I once more pitched my tent in the old spot beneath the ash, lighted my fire, ate my frugal meal, and then, after looking for some time at the heavenly bodies, and more particularly at the star Jupiter, I entered my tent, lay down upon my pallet, and went to sleep.

'Amen, said Mrs Tresize; 'and meanwhile you'd best go and stable the horse while I hear particulars. Tryphena slipped out into the yard, the sheep dogs following. The doctor would have helped her, but she took the lamp from his hand, replaced it in its socket and set about unharnessing without further to-do, coaxing Dapple the while to stand steady.

She did not mind though, for now, perhaps, she thought, the children would not go away the next night. Hung Li set about unharnessing the mule, and tied it to a post in the court. He then partook of some food, which they had hastily prepared for him, and flung himself down on the kang, where he was soon fast asleep.

That night when they stopped to make their camp, sixty miles lay behind them. The going had been good and they had done a splendid day's work. Before unharnessing the dogs, which would have immediately attacked and destroyed the goods upon the sledge had they been released, the Eskimos went about building an igloo.

Then it seemed to Janice that hours elapsed, the sole sounds being the contented munching of horses and cattle, varied by the occasional stamp of a hoof. Suddenly the girl sat up, with a realising sense that she had been asleep, and with no idea for how long. A sound below explained her waking, and as she listened, she made out the noise to be that of harnessing or unharnessing.

I rushed at once to Clark, who was stooping among the dogs, unharnessing: and savagely pushing his shoulder, I exclaimed: 'That beast accuses me of murdering David Wilson! 'Well? said Clark. 'I'd split his skull as clean ! 'Go away, Adam Jeffson, and let me be! snarled Clark. 'Is that all you've got to say about it, then you?

With that he hurled himself over the side of the wagon and went on a run in the direction of the soft sweet murmur which he had rightly guessed could only proceed from running water. When a little later Steve, his raging thirst satisfied, joined his chums again, he found Toby unharnessing Moses, while Jack was investigating the immediate vicinity with an eye to locating the camp-site.