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Out of the pool below there resounded a tuneful croaking of frogs: it spoke of many waters.... Presently an Italian workman or gardener with curly grey hair and moustache the ubiquitous Italian came up and began to talk, per fare un po' di compania. He conversed delightfully, a smile playing about his kindly old face.

Ubiquitous as was the vivid surrounding life, its message passed her by. Like a haze enveloping, dulling all things, was a haunting memory of the past night and of what it had meant. As a traveller lost in this fog, she lay staring about, indecisive which way to move, idly waiting for light.

"When me they fly, I am the wings." This attempt to define gold as a symbol ends with the indication of an ubiquitous and immanent divinity in everything. Thus it is always: in attempting to dislodge a single voussoir from the arch of truth, the temple itself is shaken, so cunningly are the stones fitted together.

There had been so many womanly trifles she would have done for Steve had she been in Beatrice's position a linen cover for the water glass; a soft shade on the window instead of the glaring white-and-gold-striped affair; exile for that ubiquitous spaniel; home cooking, with old-fashioned milk toast and real coffee of a forefather's day.

"He is a sick man," said Marcia. "I think he has a fever." Galen shook his head again. "I will not have it said I poisoned him." "Nonsense! Who knows that you mixed any poison?" "Sextus, for one," Galen answered. "Dea dia! There you are!" said Marcia. "I tell you, Pertinax, your Sextus may prove to be another Livius! He has been as ubiquitous as the plague. He knows everything.

About half-past two he came to my cabin and waked me, saying: "He is worse delirious; you had better come." He was indeed delirious. Hungerford laid his hand on my shoulder. "Marmion," he said, "that woman is in it. Like the devil, she is ubiquitous. Mr. Roscoe's past is mixed up with hers somehow.

But variation of an apparently haphazard description will be large and ubiquitous among the individuals of such a populace. Indeed, it is a matter of course and of easy verification that individual variation within such a hybrid stock will greatly exceed the extreme differences that may subsist between the several racial types that have gone to produce the hybrid stock.

Very big generosities, to a frightful cipher of Millions Sterling through the coming years, will go the same road; and amount also to zero, even for the receiving party, not to speak of the giving! For men and kings are wise creatures. But wise or unwise, how great are his Britannic Majesty's activities in this Pragmatic Business! We may say, they are prodigious, incessant, ubiquitous.

The French suffered, too, from the disadvantage that, while their every movement was discovered and reported by the ubiquitous Cossacks, they themselves were in absolute ignorance of the strength and movements of the enemy.

The old Hedgehog scuttles about pretty ubiquitous, don't he?" That was all he said. But though he took it like that, he knew his mother's heart; he knew what it had cost her to give him that pitiful hint. He was balancing himself on the arm of her chair now, and hanging over her like a lover. He had always been more like a lover to her than a son. Mr.