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As he two-stepped down the room, the lines of agony on his face were softened. He even smiled. As for Spennie, the brilliance of his happy grin dazzled all beholders. He was still wearing it when he invaded the solitude of Mr. McEachern. In every dance, however greatly he may be enjoying it, there comes a time when a man needs a meditative cigarette apart from the throng.

After breakfast, he went to the piano, and played two-steps, and rag-time music, so infectiously, that Simpson literally tripped as he cleared the table; and Nurse Rosemary, sitting pale and preoccupied, with a pile of letters before her, had hard work to keep her feet still. Simpson had two-stepped to the door with the cloth, and closed it after him.

To this accompaniment he pocketed his pen, two-stepped to the windows, drew the portieres jealously close, returned to the desk, switched off the reading lamp, and left the room completely dark but for a dim glow from the ash-filmed embers of the fire. But before he went out the secretary interrupted his humming to laugh with a mischievous elan which completely confounded Lanyard.

"In these days" one knew better how to amuse oneself, was more free to snatch at agreeable opportunity, less in bondage to old fancies which had called themselves beliefs; everything whirled faster and more lightly danced, two-stepped, instead of marching.

Martingale and me in the Cut-Rate Pharmacy, she says: 'Oh, he's just awfully magnetic but do you really think he's sincere? Then she bought an ounce of Breath of Orient perfume and kind of two-stepped out. These other ladies spoke very sharply about the freedom Beryl Mae's aunt allowed her. Mrs.

Earth is flat for evermore. They sang several verses with the fervour of Christians awaiting their lions. Then there were growlings in the air. The sexton, embraced by the landlord, two-stepped out of the pub-door. Each was trying to outroar the other. 'This isn't the time nor yet the place for for any more o' this chat. The crowd thickened.

Awhile later the "Rag-time" man came down and gave them a sample of what they were to hear the next night. Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Jones two-stepped, and they sent a boy after some more beer. Joe found it a very jolly evening, but Kit's and the mother's hearts were heavy as they went up to bed. "Say," said Mr.