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Then her first friend, the little boy, hoping to please her better, offered her some drink. Ah! it was oil, just like the oil that was burning in the lamp! horrid train-oil from the whales! She could not help shaking her head, so much that she woke herself up! "SUPPOSE and suppose I could see where that dear little black chamois horn came from!

Jack stood it some time; but when Tubbs came down upon men-of-war, and particularly upon main-top-men, his sense of propriety was so outraged, that he launched into Tubbs like a forty-two pounder. "Why, you limb of Nantucket! you train-oil man! you sea-tallow strainer! you bobber after carrion! do you pretend to vilify a man-of-war?

But for light, even for train-oil to be burned in the simplest of lamps, money had to be paid and money was of all ordinary things the seldomest seen at Castle Warlock.

A Parisian likes mortified flesh: a native of Legiboli will not taste his fish till it is quite putrefied: the civilized inhabitants of Kamschatka get drunk with the urine of their guests, whom they have already intoxicated: the Nova Zemblans make merry on train-oil: the Groenlanders eat in the same dish with their dogs: the Caffres, at the Cape of Good Hope, piss upon those whom they delight to honour, and feast upon a sheep's intestines with their contents, as the greatest dainty that can be presented.

It did not seem that anything human could endure such stress and yet survive. Toward three o'clock in the morning of the third night Adler woke Bennett. "It's Clarke, sir; he and I sleep in the same bag. I think he's going, sir." One by one the men in the tent were awakened, and the train-oil lamp was lit.

The Icelanders, however, find the taste not sufficiently "piquant," and generally qualify it with train-oil. Altogether, train-oil plays a very prominent part in the Icelandic kitchen; the peasant considers it a most delicious article, and thinks nothing of devouring a quantity of it without bread, or indeed any thing else.

We are forming an aristocracy, as you may observe, in this country, not a gratia-Dei, nor a juredivino one, but a de-facto upper stratum of being, which floats over the turbid waves of common life like the iridescent film you may have seen spreading over the water about our wharves, very splendid, though its origin may have been tar, tallow, train-oil, or other such unctuous commodities.

To him a jug of train-oil were as angel-food, a keg of stale soap-grease a ferial feast. During his entire life he enjoys but two baths one when he is born, the other when he's buried. A religious fanatic, he obeys but one scriptural injunction "Be fruitful and multiply." Even the Russian ladies wash only to suit the dresses they wear high-necked or decollete.

When they had come home in the evening, and the folks lay sleeping in the fishing-station, they heard, about twelve o'clock at night, the lad yelling for help; it even seemed to one of them, by the light of the train-oil lamp, as if a heavy hand were stretching forward from the door right up to the bench on which the lad lay.

The fruits on which the natives of the South prefer to feed do not in the fresh state contain more than twelve per cent. of carbon, while the blubber and train-oil used by the inhabitants of the arctic regions contain from sixty-six to eighty per cent. of carbon.