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Troubridge have taken up their country to the south-west, and as soon as he has got our house built, we are going to live there." "It is not far, I hope," said I. "A trifle: not more than ten miles," said Miss Thornton; "they call the place Toonarbin. Mary's run joins the Major's on two sides, and beyond again, we already have neighbours, the Mayfords.

"She is left at Toonarbin, with an overseer, for the present." "And when," she asked, "shall you leave us, Sam?" "Oh, in a couple of months, I suppose. I must give Tom time to get a house up before I go and join him. What a convenient thing a partner like that is, eh?" "Oh, by-the-bye, Mrs. Buckley," said Captain Brentwood, "what do you make of this letter?"

Nevertheless, being half-way to Toonarbin, he determined to ride on, and, having called in a moment, to follow a road which took a way past Lee's old hut towards the scene of action. He very soon pulled up at the door, and Tom Troubridge came slowly out to meet him. "Hallo, Burnside!" said Tom. "Get off, and come in." "Not I, indeed. I am going off to see the fight."

Mulhaus was acquitted, delivered a stinging reproof to the magistrates for wasting public time by sending such a trumpery case to a jury. But, on the other hand, Dr. Mulhaus' charge of assault with intent fell dead; so that neither party had much to boast of. The night or so after the trial was over, the Doctor came back to Toonarbin, in what he intended for a furious rage.

"Well, I came round over Broad-saddle, and got a fresh horse at the Parson's." "Ah!" said Hawker. "That young fellow I shot down when you were after me, is he dead?" "By this time," said Desborough. "He was just dying when I came away." "Would you mind stopping for a moment, Captain? Now tell me, who was he?" "Mr. Charles Hawker, son of Mrs. Hawker, of Toonarbin."

Give me Fly's dun pup instead, and take the bird home." So this was negotiated after a time, and the corrella was taken back to Toonarbin, wildly excited by the journey, and calling for strong liquor all the way home. In any of his Berserk fits, if his mother were not at hand, he would go to Mrs.

He was drunk, of course; he always was, but hardly more so to-day than usual. So the Doctor hoped for success in his object, which was to procure a certain drug which was neither in the medicine-chest at the Buckleys' nor at Toonarbin; and putting on his sweetest smile when the surgeon came to the door, he made a remark about the beauty of the weather, to which the other very gruffly responded.

Lee always paid me the high compliment of touching his hat to me, for old Devon' sake, I suppose. "How's all at Toonarbin, Lee?" I asked. "Well and hearty, sir. How is yourself, sir?" "Getting older, Lee. Nothing worse than that. Dick, I am going on to Captain Brentwood's. If you like to go back to Toonarbin and stay a day or two with Lee, you can do so."

This is Toonarbin, where Mary Hawker is living with her son Charles as happy and uninteresting an existence as ever fell to the lot of a handsome woman yet. The old dark days seem like a bad dream. She had heard of her husband's re-conviction and life sentence finally death, and George Hawker is as one who has never lived.

Brentwood, who is at first fifty miles away, buys a station near at hand, he and Buckley having become inseparable, and now Baroona, Garoopna, and Toonarbin are only a few miles apart. 'There was always a hostage from one staying as a guest at the other. The visits were generally unannounced, and the visitors stayed as long as they felt inclined to.