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But these facts, being Divine Truth, became accepted by the world in spite of the thumb-screws and the fagots the arguments of the Church against Divine Truth. The list of the Divine Truths which the Church had bitterly opposed was a sickening document.

Oldbuck next exhibited thumb-screws, which had given the Covenanters of former days the cramp in their joints, and a collar with the name of a fellow convicted of theft, whose services, as the inscription bore, had been adjudged to a neighbouring baron, in lieu of the modern Scottish punishment, which, as Oldbuck said, sends such culprits to enrich England by their labour, and themselves by their dexterity.

I should like to see such an advertisement, I say, Sir! Now, what's the use of using the words that belonged with the thumb-screws, and the Blessed Virgin with the knives under her petticoats and sleeves and bodice, and the dry pan and gradual fire, if we can't have the things themselves, Sir?

During the remainder of the afternoon I was left to my own reflections, which were anything but agreeable; for I could not banish from my mind the threat about the thumb-screws, of the nature and use of which I had a vague but terrible conception. I was still meditating on my unhappy fate, when, just after nightfall, one of the watch on deck called down the hatchway

But since we have done with those tools, we had better give up those words. I should like to see a Yankee advertisement like this! Patent thumb-screws, warranted to crush the bone in three turns. The cast-iron boot, with wedge and mallet, only five dollars! The celebrated extension-rack, warranted to stretch a man six inches in twenty minutes, money returned, if it proves unsatisfactory.

Let me advise you as a friend, my lord, to tell at once, and truthfully," said the duke, toying negligently with the thumb-screws. "It is buried at the north corner of the old wall at the head of Bradshaw's grave. You shall have that and a thousandfold more if you'll only pardon " "Enough!" broke in the dwarf, with the look and tone of an exultant demon. "That is all we want!

He explained that one of the other candidates, a strong Democrat, had agreed to accept the revelation if I would; that the two of us could give our strength to the church candidate; that the Church would turn to my father the votes that it had already in command for McCune, and my father's election would be carried. I felt that the thumb-screws were being put on me again.

Even at this early twisting of the thumb-screws I was beginning to realize that self-respect would be the first thing to go by the board, and the fight to save it was almost instinctive. Before leaving Bucks I tried to find out how he had learned my story; this though I was definitely charging the exposure to the town marshal as being the only person who could have spread it abroad.

"I remember; I was sorry afterwards." "You were sorry when she came down and put on the thumb-screws. In God's name what IS it she does to you?" "Nothing. Nothing that you can understand. And now that I have given you up, I must not complain of her to you." "That's no reasoning!" cried Newman. "Complain of her, on the contrary.

"'Twill be my task to detect him. Leave him to me, young women, an' I'll put the thumb-screws on him in short order." Here was the sort of energetic confederate they had longed for.