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Grasping his hand she drew him swiftly along until they reached the hollow trunk of an immense oak, into which she hastily thrust him. "There is not room for both," she declared, looking like a dripping naiad, as the rain-drops thickened about her.

As it thickened and the darkness closed in, the children strayed away and only one solitary loafer remained. You'd better git 'ome whilst you can find yer way. This is goin' to be a black 'un. "I thanked him for his sympathy and moved on into the darkening vapor.

The sky merged into the shadows of the landscape that spread and thickened into blackness. Out of the drawn curtains of night broke an ugly flash and farther up the slope spread the explosive circle of light of a bursting shell. "The signal!" he exclaimed. Right and left the blasts spread along the Gray lines and right and left, on the instant, the Browns sent their blasts in reply.

We on the stairs huddled closer together, and, in the darkness, I felt my mother's arm steal round me and encompass me, so that I was not afraid. Then we waited, while the silence round our frightened whispers thickened and grew heavy till the weight of it seemed to hurt us. At length, out of its depths, there crept to our ears a faint murmur.

A yellowish liquid soon commenced to filter and drip into the pan, and this liquid was the curare, the arrow-poison. It still required, however, to be concentrated by evaporation; and for this purpose the pan was transferred to a slow fire, where it was kept until the liquid became thickened by the heat. Another process was yet required before the curare was ready for the arrows.

This is as if gaseous revolving nebulæ had come into comparatively close proximity to a passing body. The visitor, by its attraction, drew from the nebula a wisp of gas. The revolving motion of the nebula gave to the attracted arm the spiral form. These twisted arms are not equally dense throughout, but have thickened knots here and there in their course.

Where it met the sky it lay flat and motionless, or in the rougher weather carved itself along the horizon in successions of surges. If the sun rose clear, it was overcast in a few hours; then the clouds broke and let a little sunshine through, to close again before the dim evening thickened over the waters.

Now, the whole world before the Change was as sick and feverish as that, it was worried and overworked and perplexed by problems that would not get stated simply, that changed and evaded solution, it was in an atmosphere that had corrupted and thickened past breathing; there was no thorough cool thinking in the world at all.

A crisis came; dangers thickened on every side, and the united voices of his countrymen again called Washington into public life. MS. letter quoted by Irving, v. 276. Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington, by George Washington Parke Custis, page 41. Washington wrote many other letters to his sprightly foster-child, but they have been lost or destroyed.

He had worked night and day with all the energy of a pure soul and a great mind to assuage religious hatreds and avert civil dissensions. He was overpowered. He had frequently desired to be released from all his functions, but as dangers thickened over the Provinces, he felt it his duty so long as he remained at his post to abide by the law as the only anchor in the storm.