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Updated: August 10, 2024

There will be good eating. THAHN We shall see the girls come in with baskets upon their heads. OOGNO There will be fruits in the baskets. THAHN All the fruits of the valley. MLAN Ah, how long we have wandered along the ways of the world. SLAG Ah, how hard they were. THAHN And how dusty. OOGNO And how little wine. MLAN How long we have asked and asked, and for how much!

Warn me if any of the citizens approach. AGMAR We shall have all things if only we are wise at first for a little. THAHN Master, do any suspect us? AGMAR We must be very wise. THAHN But if we are not wise, Master? AGMAR Why then death may come to us ... THAHN O Master! AGMAR ... slowly. OOGNO Do they believe us, master? ONE Master, I want the god that does not eat. AGMAR I am he.

OOGNO We are saved now. THAHN Aye, we are saved. AGMAR We are saved, but I know not how. OOGNO Never had beggars such a time. THIEF I will go out and watch. ULF Yet I have a fear. OOGNO A fear? Why, we are saved. ULF Last night I dreamed. OOGNO What was your dream? ULF It was nothing. I dreamed that I was thirsty and one gave me Woldery wine; yet there was a fear in my dream.

THIEF Yes, on dromedaries. AGMAR They should be back to-day. OOGNO We are lost. THAHN We are lost. THIEF They must have seen the green jade idols sitting against the mountains. They will say, 'The gods are still at Marma. And we shall be burnt. SLAG My Master will yet devise a plan. SLAG My Master will devise a plan. OOGNO He has taken us into a trap. THAHN His wisdom is our doom.

Outside a city wall; three beggars seated on the ground. OOGNO These days are bad for beggary. THAHN They are bad. They take no joy any longer in benevolence, but are become sour and miserly at heart. Alas for them! I sometimes sigh for them when I think of this. OOGNO Alas for them. A miserly heart must be a sore affliction. THAHN A sore affliction indeed, and bad for our calling.

The Thief is absent. MLAN Never had beggars such a time. OOGNO Ah, the fruits and tender lamb! THAHN The Woldery wine! SLAG It was better to see my Master's wise devices than to have fruit and lamb and Woldery wine. MLAN Ah, when they spied on him to see if he would eat when they went away! OOGNO When they questioned him concerning the gods and Man!

THAHN They are bad. AGMAR So you would forsake the calling. OOGNO The city is unworthy of our calling. The gods are drowsy, and all that is divine in man is dead. ULF They are drowsy in their mountains away at Marma. The seven green idols are drowsy. Who is this that rebukes us? THAHN Are you some great merchant, Master? Perhaps you will help a poor man that is starving.

THAHN When I drink Woldery wine I am afraid of nothing. THIEF They are making a pleasant banquet ready for us; they are killing lambs, and girls are there with fruits, and there is to be much Woldery wine. MLAN Never had beggars such a time. AGMAR Do any doubt us now? THIEF I do not know. MLAN When will the banquet be? THIEF When the stars come out. OOGNO Ah. It is sunset already.

THAHN Now we shall see the faces of the girls when they come to the banquet. MLAN Never had beggars such a time. AGMAR Hark! They are coming. I hear footsteps. THAHN The dancing girls. They are coming. THIEF There is no sound of flutes; they said they would come with music. OOGNO What heavy boots they have, they sound like feet of stone.

What thing has befallen them? THAHN Some evil thing. ULF There has been a comet come near to the earth of late and the earth has been parched and sultry so that the gods are drowsy and all those things that are divine in man, such as benevolence, drunkenness, extravagance and song, have faded and died and have not been replenished by the gods. OOGNO It has indeed been sultry.

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