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"Vos papiers, s'il vous plait!" Again I produced bundles of papers permis de sejour in Paris, Amiens, Rouen, Orleans, Le Mans; laisser-passer to Boulogne, Dieppe, Havre, Dunkirk, Aire-sur-Lys, Bethune and Hazebrouck; British passports and papiers vises by French consuls, French police, French generals, French mayors, and French stationmasters. But they were hardly satisfied.

I am going to Rouen, and will think of it on my way. 'I am going there too. When do you go? 'I shall be in Rouen next Wednesday, I hope. 'May I ask where? 'Hotel Beau Sejour. 'Will you give me an answer there? I can easily call upon you. It is now a month and more since you first led me to hope 'I did not lead you to hope at any rate clearly. 'Indirectly you did.

Pendant le séjour qué fit

But they amuse themselves with wonderful elegance; and sometimes their gaiety becomes satiric, for, as they play, real passions insinuate themselves, and at least the reality of death; their dejection at the thought of leaving this fair abode of our common daylight le beau sejour du commun jour is expressed by them with almost wearisome reiteration.

I profited by the occasion to obtain a permis de sejour, or residence permit, for myself. The commissary, after noting on paper my personal description and measuring my height, handed me the precious document authorizing me to reside in the "entrenched camp of Paris." These papers must be kept on one's person, ready to be shown whenever called for.

Burr's note of this morning, that his knowledge of the circumstances under which Mr. Burr left the United States renders it his duty to decline giving Mr. Burr either a passport or a permis de sejour. If, however, the opinion Mr. M'Rae has formed and the determination he has adopted on this subject be erroneous, there is a remedy at hand.

De Sejour said that it was thrown off from Saturn's equator as a liquid ring, and afterwards solidified. He noticed that the outside would have a greater velocity, and be less attracted to the planet, than the inner parts, and that equilibrium would be impossible; so he supposed it to have solidified into a number of concentric rings, the exterior ones having the least velocity.

All the galeriens of all the convict prisons in Europe seem to have come and set the fashion in this superb city which had given it to all Europe." "Un Sejour en France," p. 43. I, myself, have been almost knocked down for wearing a straw hat trimmed with green ribbons." Nolhac, "Souvenirs de Trois Annees de la Revolution at Lyons," p.132. Archives Nationales, AF.,II., 72.

I drove there now, and refreshed myself with a bath and breakfast, casting about me meanwhile for some mode of occupying the hours till noon. There were various tasks, I knew, that should have claimed me; a visit to the police to secure a carte de sejour, the presentation of my credentials as an ambulance-driver, a polite notification to friends that I had arrived.

Although it was not a public day when I paid my first visit to the CENTRAL MUSEUM, no sooner did I shew my permis de sejour, than the doors were thrown open; and from M. VISCONTI, and other members of the Council, who happened to be present, I experienced the most polite and obliging attention.