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And two hundred thousand would build a number of miles of ordinary railroad, wouldn't it? But that isn't all. The cliffs along that canyon are shale-topped and shale-undermined, the shale alternating with loose rock about fifty feet above our line of grade in quarter-mile stretches all along.

Thy faithful slave is watching near. Thy father, my dear, is the jemadar Of a province which stretches wide and far; And his brother, my child, is a moonsif great, Who ruleth o'er many a ryot's fate. Sleep on, sleep on, my bâbâ dear! Thy faithful slave is watching near.

It must be a beautiful sight in spring to see the pink and white blossoms of these extensive orchards foretelling an abundant harvest. In June it is one vast expanse of green and gold that lies before you, or stretches away beneath its silvery veils of misty blue. More than three- quarters of a million barrels of apples are shipped from here annually.

This bill was everywhere looked upon as a wise and statesmanlike measure for the preservation of forests; capitalist interests, in the pursuit of immediate profit, had ruthlessly denuded and destroyed immense forest stretches, causing, in turn, floods and destruction of life, property and of agriculture.

Each one of the 176 DIRs can be "illuminated" for only a few seconds at a time. Small aircraft and small vessels can be detected by an ingenious method, only when they move. This is how it is done: At the receiving site of the ROTHR system a very large antenna stretches out over a distance of 8,400 feet.

As we proceeded along the coast, the weather being now clear and fine, we observed great stretches of country, flat and uninviting, upon which there appeared to be no sign of life. Indeed, the whole of this southern continent seems to be sparsely populated when compared with the islands, upon most of which the native inhabitants are very numerous.

He looked over the central plain of England the plain which stretches westward to the Thames and the Berkshire hills, and northward through the Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire lowlands to the basin of the Trent. An historic plain symbolic, all of it, to an English eye.

Great stretches of sunshine lay on the garden and in it brilliant beds of flowers glowed with their richest lights, poppies folded their gorgeous robes closely about them, Arab fashion, to keep out the heat; hollyhocks stood in their stateliness flecked with changing shadows from the aspen tree near by.

Stretches of the Avenue Murray Hill: a Slope in Transition Early Astor Land Purchases The Brunswick Building A Deserted Clubland Churches of the Stretch The Marble Collegiate The "Little Church Around the Corner" and its Story When Grant's Funeral Procession Passed The Waldorf and the Astoria On the Hill in 1776 When the Red-Coats Loitered.

So it was brought along to the buggy, one piece in course of consumption and one carried to be eaten at superb leisure as the fed roan carried them down the hot road to still another farm. They drove back to Newbern in the late afternoon, still largely silent, though there was a little talk at the close on stretches of hill where the roan would consent to slacken his pace.