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All of which he declared, with words of soberness, to be true. Stewart had been my playmate and my companion in former years. I had a small fortune, a nice home, kind neighbors, and numerous friends, but nothing could shake the determination I then formed to break up, sell out, and leave Illinois and go to the Saints at Far West, Missouri.

There, my child, you will see all the blessings of the Saviour's teaching, love and soberness, pitifulness to the poor and a real heart-felt eagerness to forgive injuries.

Let us consider it as containing the words of truth and soberness; not one jot or one tittle needs to be abated; it must not be lowered to us, but we rather raised to it. It is a truth, it is the word of God, it is the seal of our assurance: it is that which good men of old would have welcomed with the deepest joy; which, to good men now is a source of comfort unspeakable.

The young voice had taken on strangely the timbre of the old as, in equal soberness, he answered, "Such, Kano Indara, though I be burdened with years as many as your own, will be the never-ceasing longing for my lost wife, Umè-ko." A little sob, loosed suddenly upon the night, sped past them. "What was it? Who is there?" cried Tatsu, sharply, wheeling round. Kano began to shake.

One of the numerous books purporting to be a history of my life states with the utmost soberness that, as a boy, I was cruel to dumb animals and to my schoolmates, and, as for my teachers, to them I was a continual trouble and annoyance.

Until the words asking her to be his wife were definitely spoken she could not be positive of his intentions, but his conduct left little room for doubt, and moreover, was marked by a deferential soberness of purpose which indicated to her that his views regarding marriage were on a higher plane than those of any man she had known.

One never can tell in a case of this kind but a charitable shot might bring down a valued friend or even a peer of the realm. In all soberness, however, and setting aside the open question, which country has most diverged from the English as it was at the time of the separation of the colonies from the motherland, we may be permitted a word or two in the hope of a better understanding.

Her warning came ever and again like a living voice across the fevered train of his thoughts. But he was no whit more inclined to listen to it here, in the calmness and soberness of solitude, than when her own lips had spoken it, and the charm of her own presence had swept away prudence and self-restraint.

But the pressure of numbers and of competing workers compels soberness, the steadiest and most capable being barely able to secure subsistence, while below them is every conceivable phase of want and struggle, more sharply defined and with less possibility of remedy than anything found in the approximate conditions on American soil. "It's the ladies that's in the way, mum.

The Great Lincoln-Douglas Debate Rivals for the U.S. Senate Lincoln's "House-Divided-against-Itself" Speech An Inspired Oration Alarming His Friends Challenges Douglas to a Joint Discussion The Champions Contrasted Their Opinions of Each Other Lincoln and Douglas on the Stump Slavery the Leading Issue Scenes and Anecdotes of the Great Debate Pen-Picture of Lincoln on the Stump Humors of the Campaign Some Sharp Rejoinders Words of Soberness Close of the Conflict.