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Dulcie stared at me with large, pathetic eyes, and I knew that, but for Aunt Hannah's so-to-speak mounting guard, she would have asked me endless questions instead of sitting there mute. "You had better come with me and hear Jack Osborne's story," Easterton said some moments later. "The Inspector tells me he is upstairs, and still rather weak from the effect of the treatment he has received."

"Reinforcements is it, Mr. Albumblatt?" "The howitzer, Captain." "Good. And G troop?" "For my double flank movement I " "Perhaps you'd like H troop as reserve?" "Not reserve, Captain. I should establish " "This is your duty, Mr. Albumblatt. Perform it as you can, with what force you need." "Thank you, sir. It is not exactly a battle, but with a, so-to-speak, intrenched "

The maiden aunt was her father's sister, an austere dignified old party who resided most exclusively in her ancestral home on Beacon Street, and lived in a rut worn ages deep by tradition, conviction and self-will. Virginia was, so-to-speak, heiress-presumptive. Not that she was likely to be supplanted by the birth of some one having greater claim to her aunt's fortune.

The eternally spick-and-span uniforms, and the so-to-speak buttoned-up faces of the government officials, soldiers, and statesmen, did not offer a wide field for his brush: it forgot how to render superb draperies and powerful emotion and passion. Of grouping, dramatic effect and its lofty connections, there was nothing.

Eight days afterwards, the newspapers announced the accident to the Deutschland, whose boiler had burst, obliging the steamboat to stand to. The evidence of a man like Dr. Maxwell, especially when we have to do with a so-to-speak personal incident, possesses an importance on which it is needless to insist.

To this inquiry the private answer of the Chief Inspector, so private that it was never shaped into audible words, was: “Long before you were even thought of for your place here.” The so-to-speak public utterance was much more precise. “I saw him for the first time in my life a little more than seven years ago, when two Imperial Highnesses and the Imperial Chancellor were on a visit here.

"'Aint nothin' but Providence a-workin' out, I reckon, jist like yo' say. "We have brought your father and Pepper home. Salt is all right, Nelly. You will see him again pretty soon." "Oh, has anything happened to Salt, Dad?" asked the girl quickly. "Well, not anything, so-to-speak. Jist let Miss Stewart, here, run it and it'll come out all right.