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A shooting-lodge was spied among the trees; there Fleeming went; and though the master, Mr. Murray, was from home, though the two Jenkin boys were of course as black as colliers, and all the castaways so wetted through that, as they stood in the passage, pools formed about their feet and ran before them into the house, yet Mrs. Murray kindly entertained them for the night.

Reggie and Oliver were "thick," and he had stayed in town on purpose to attend to her attiring having seen her picture, and vowed that he would make a work of art out of her. And then Mrs. Robbie Walling would give her a dance; and all the world would come to fall at her feet. "You and I are going out to 'Black Forest, the Wallings' shooting-lodge, to-morrow," Oliver added to his brother.

Soon the four weeks by the lake were gone. Then followed two weeks of travel Milan, Munich, Berlin, Paris. And then he was home again. He had heard nothing of Nigel, nothing of Mrs. Chepstow. September died away in the brown arms of October, and at last a letter came from Nigel. It was written from Stacke House, a shooting-lodge in Scotland, and spoke of his speedy return to the South.

It was in the dining-room of the shooting-lodge that the Whiteboy meetings were uniformly held, although of late it had been usual for those who attended them to sit in Finnerty's house until the hour had arrived for commencing business, when they adjourned to the other.

On the other hand, if Miss Cunyngham rather intimated to this young guest and stranger that, being at a shooting-lodge in the Highlands, he ought to devote himself to the healthful and vigorous recreations of the place, instead of dawdling away his time in drawing-room frivolities, it was not that she herself should take possession of him as her comrade on her salmon-fishing excursions.

The mound or tumulus was in all likelihood a moot-hill, where justice was dispensed and the chieftains of the district were elected. In the same county, in the wild recesses of Glenesk, near Lord Dalhousie's shooting-lodge of Milldam, there is a rough granite boulder, on the upper surface of which a small human foot is scooped out with considerable accuracy, showing traces even of the toes.

The meetings, however, have been witnessed by the emperor and a few chosen companions who concealed themselves in the branches of trees, bordering on the Schorfhaide, and William is never tired of expatiating on the magnificence of the spectacle presented. Next to Hubertusstock, the most favored shooting-lodge and sporting-estate of the kaiser, is Rominten, not far from the Russian frontier.

On these occasions the two sovereigns make their headquarters at Francis-Joseph's picturesque shooting-lodge, or rather château, at Mürzsteg.

"But how did you do it ?" was on the tip of his tongue; and he had barely time to give the query the more conventional turn of: "How did it happen?" "Oh, we were up at Glaish with the Edmund Fitzarthurs. Lady Edmund is a sort of cousin of the Morningfields', who have a shooting-lodge near Glaish a place called Portlow and young Trayas was there with them.

"You are at Rosorton, a shooting-lodge belonging to me, and I beg that you will make yourself at home." Every attention was paid to him. He was placed in a warm bed, some warm, nourishing soup was brought to him, and he was left to rest. "The Earl of Mountdean." Then this was the tall figure he had seen striding over the hills this was the neighbor he had shunned and avoided, preferring solitude.