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And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah; And Napthali was even so with Barak, Into the valley they rushed forth at his back. By the brooks of Reuben great were the resolves! Why didst they sit among the sheepfolds, Listening to the pipings for the flocks? By the brooks of Reuben there were great questionings!

Finally, upon the opening of the Isthmus of Suez, the city unfolded in a prodigious way, becoming a world port, putting itself in touch with the entire earth, multiplying its harbors, which became gigantic marine sheepfolds where vessels of every flag were gathered together in herds. The old port, boxed in the city, changed its aspect according to the time and state of the atmosphere.

And the princes of Issachar were with Deborah, even Issachar and also Barak; he was sent on foot into the valley. They descended into the valley as foot soldiers, with Barak, and trembled not at the chariots and cavalry of Sisera. Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? Alas, for the dissentions of Reuben!

Mr Ruskin, having formed the pleasant little original design of abolishing the difference between Popery and Protestantism, through the persuasive influence of his own special eloquence, set forth his views upon the matter in a book which he termed a treatise "on the construction of sheepfolds."

My park and castle are cold and desolate to me. A childless woman is a monstrosity of nature; we exist only to be mothers. Oh! my sage in woman's livery, how well you have conned the book of life! Everywhere, too, barrenness is a dismal thing. My life is a little too much like one of Gessner's or Florian's sheepfolds, which Rivarol longed to see invaded by a wolf.

Leathern bands stretched from one roof to the other, and in the midst of dung an iron pump performed its operations. The manager drew their attention to little openings in the sheepfolds nearly on a level with the floor, and ingenious doors in the pigsties which could shut of their own accord. The barn was vaulted like a cathedral, with brick arches resting on stone walls.

"Tut, Meredydd," answered Algar, "thou knowest well that no Cymrian ever deems himself dishonoured by breaking faith with the Saxon; and we shall yet see the lions of Gryffyth scaring the sheepfolds of Hereford." "So be it," said Meredydd, fiercely. "And Harold shall give to his Atheling the Saxon land, shorn at least of the Cymrian kingdom."

"For pity's sake, what is the matter now, that you can't run on an errand for me just over the bridge, and here you've been prowling about in the dusk for the last hour around those lonesome sheepfolds and 'Lias nowheres near I declare, I could understand my six boys even if they were terrors when they were little.

It was in the case of a sulky dog of a breed between the red Irish setter and something larger, but less patrician, upon whom the thirst for blood fell at uncertain intervals, impelling him then to devastate the very sheepfolds of which in his capacity as watch-dog he might have been considered as ex officio the guardian.

The boy felt, what he had never known before, what a joy it is to be kissed and hugged by a father. His saddened heart rejoiced, and he was filled with a feeling of protection and safety. Some things happen in this world at which we cannot wonder enough. Thus it was at the sheepfolds of the Gemer estate.