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Updated: August 20, 2024

Pride it was, in every muscle, nerve, and quiver of her conscious, sentient, stinging pride. She might be joyous and natural, boy and woman, fun and frolic; but always the pride was there, vibrant, tense, intrinsic, the basic stuff of which she was builded. She was a woman, frank, outspoken, straight- looking, plastic, democratic; but toy she was not.

They are actors moving upon a visible scene, watched from the reader's point of view; but they are also sentient lives, understood from within. Here, then, is a mixed method which enables Tolstoy to deal with his immense subject on the lines of drama.

A hollow, strangely sounding roar was perceptible; one instant coming as from the far distance, then from nigh at hand, causing the air-ship to quiver and tremble, as a sentient being might in the presence of a torturing death.

Just as ether, although connecting itself separately with jars, pots, and so on, which undergo increase and decrease, is not itself touched by these imperfections; and just as the sun, although seen in sheets of water of unequal extent, is not touched by their increase and decrease; thus the highest Self, although abiding within variously-shaped beings, whether non-sentient like earth or sentient, remains untouched by their various imperfections increase, decrease, and so on remains one although abiding in all of them, and ever keeps the treasure of its blessed qualities unsullied by an atom even of impurity.

According to the notions of modern theology, it appears evident that God has created the majority of men with the view only of punishing them eternally. Would it not have been more in conformity with kindness, with reason, with equity, to create but stones or plants, and not sentient beings, than to create men whose conduct in this world would cause them eternal chastisements in another?

Their highest glory is that they receive the wisdom by which they can direct sentient beings to the path that leads to the desired cessation of existence. The Buddhism of Thibet appears to be an innovation on the original system of religion.

O my son, the sentient being, reaping the fruits of his actions, thus transmigrates through these conditions; but the regenerate and wise man reposes his soul in the everlasting Supreme Spirit.

In fact, one authority assures us that what we have seen going on is "the struggle for life among men" that struggle which has its parallel in the whole of sentient existence.

Now, just as the knowledge of external phenomena, which we acquire, has no influence upon their causes and laws, so reflection, by illuminating our instinct, enlightens us as to our sentient nature, but does not alter its character; it tells us what our morality is, but neither changes nor modifies it.

"Why, then," said I, grasping him by the arm, "listen to the voice of a dying man and one who has never accomplished anything as yet indeed, I have been a failure all my life " "You, Perry? A failure how, man, how?" "Well, I yearned to be a poet and failed. I tried to be a painter and failed again. I endeavoured to become a man and have achieved nothing. I am a sentient futility!

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