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"What does he mean by his 'shinies'?" asked Mr. Emerson. "He picked up a lot of stuff yesterday when we were hunting arrow heads and walking to Rosemont by the short cut over the track. When I was putting Mrs. Schuler's storm cape on him I emptied out his pocketful of trash into the fireplace." "What did the shinies look like, son?" inquired Dicky's grandfather.

Schuler's room. We made two cupboard arrangements for the ends just like those, only we put a door over each one of them. Instead of a big box between them to be used as a seat we put a shelf resting on the cleats that went across the backs of the bookshelves. Then we connected the two cupboards with a long plank." "You put a back behind the shelf."

Schuler's wedding, but that was a very small affair at home, and Miss Gertrude's was to be in the church with a reception afterwards at Dorothy's house. The Club felt that they wanted to do every bit of the work that they could, not only because they loved Miss Gertrude but because she was going to marry the brother of two of the Club members.

Schuler's office should be pink with white paint and white curtains at the windows. "We can get very pretty papers for ten cents a roll," said Margaret. "I saw some beauties when I went to the paperers to get some flowery papers for James to cut out when he was pasting decorations on to our Christmas Ship boxes." "Are you going to use wall paper?" asked Miss Merriam quickly.

Schuler's old pupils never remembered to change to "Frau." "German housekeepers are thrifty and neat and careful why, she's exactly the person we want. How great of you to think of her, Ethel Brown!" "You know she wanted to adopt our Belgian baby, so I guess she's interested in poor children," volunteered Ethel Blue. "Are our plans far enough along for us to ask her?" inquired Margaret.

Roger dashed away, his swift feet slowing to a walk as he neared the bit of woods where he delivered his message in an undertone. Ethel Blue meanwhile, had rushed into the house to tell Moya to heat plenty of water and to crack some ice, and Margaret had opened Mrs. Schuler's closet of simple remedies and found the bottle of aromatic spirits of ammonia. Ethel Brown and James ran to meet Mrs.